Chapter 65- Reliving

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As we finally approached my neighborhood and I was about ready to get into bed and sleep for the rest of my life. I have not stayed up this late in quite sometime now. The moment my house is in view I'm already taking off my seatbelt which Bo chuckles at me for. He pulls in and gets out before me and runs around the car to open the door for me. I thank him of course but when I stand up that's when I realize just how much alcohol was in my system. Even though I did not drink much it was enough to affect my walking. Bo helped me walk into my house and up the stairs to my room.

I sit down on my bed and take off the horrid heals that were paining my feet. After I take them off, Bo stands in between my legs and moves my hair so he can rub my shoulders lightly. I lean slightly into his touch enjoying the massage. He then, dips down his head and starts kissing me. I return the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He starts to get a little more passionate and tries to slip his tongue in, after I hesitate I allow him. Then, he slowly starts to push me down so I am laying back.

I am starting to feel uncomfortable but I do not say anything quite yet. Maybe this is only a make out session.

Those thoughts are quickly denied when he starts to kiss my jaw and down my neck. I feel myself start to panic so I try pushing Bo's shoulders so he would stop. He does not budge and I feel myself start to hyperventilate.

"Bo...," I say breathlessly starting to freak out.

He still does not quite stop but he looks up at me as he kisses down my chest a little.

"Please stop, please," I say to him finally and he looks at me confused.

"Are you not enjoying it?" he asks me.

I shake me head, "No, that's not it."

"So, can I continue?" he asks but he doesn't give me time to respond when he continues to kiss my chest, slowly pulling it down to reveal a little more of breasts for him.

Finally, I push him away and look at him I'm disbelief, "I told you to stop."

"But you said you were enjoying it," he says to me frustrated.

"I did not say that!" I yell at him furiously.

He rolls his eyes, "Then, why can't I continue?"

For a second I'm baffled, I couldn't speak but I eventually worked up the courage, "Just get out."

"You can't be serious," he looks at me like I've grown two heads

I take a deep breath, "I said, get... out."

He stands there for a minute as if to process everything but he finally leaves. I hear my front door open and slam close. I flinch at the sudden sound and I struggle to control my breathing at first. I look around my room as I try and process everything. Why did he not want to stop?

I try my best not to think about it too hard and I get ready for bed. I change into some comfier clothes and take off the caked on makeup. I feel so much better once I've changed and that I'm alone once again. It takes me a little while to get myself to fall asleep as my thoughts are racing but eventually my eye kids get heavy and my body gives in to sleep.


The cold familiar floor almost feels nice this time under my hot skin. I've gotten very sick from sitting in the cold for so long and I feel another heat flash and a cold sweat coming. Then, the dreaded sound of shoes... slowly, coming towards me. It's him, I know it is hun. He's back and he's not gonna hesitate this time. I can't get away, I've tried, I tried so hard. I can barley move, please stay away from me.

"Darling, I'm home," I cringe at the nickname attempting to cower away from the door.

The door slams open and he grins down at me as if he is happy with his little creation, "Now, I think it's about time we deal with punishment. I told you the rules but yet you still broke them."

I back away a little, "N-no it's a... mi-misunderstanding," I cry out softly.

He just laughs, "I don't think you can accidentally escape from your room and attempt to murder my friend..."

"I-I... I'm sorry," I hesitate already feeling the tears stream down my face.

He grabs me by the face forcing me to look hun straight in the eyes, "Oh, you will be."

Next thing I know, I'm being kicked around more and crunching of bones can be heard and my screams in agony... that wasn't even the worse part. I thought he was done... I right he was satisfied with my nearly lifeless body laying on the ground. He wasn't, not until he absolutely broke me.

My shirt was being torn off my body, the cold sweats getting even more apparent as he started to hastily assault my body. He pressed his body up against mine and I felt how much he was enjoying this. It made me nauseous, I wanted to throw up.

"P-p-please do-don't do t-this," I cried out.

He takes a piece of my ripped shirt and forces it into my mouth, "Don't make this any harder then it has to be whore."

I could taste the salty tears that were rolling down my face and into my mouth from the thin fabric. My pants were ripped off and I heard him take off his belt. I tried to writhe but it cause me pain and he was too strong... he was too strong...

I screamed in hope to save myself for the last time just before he-


I jolt awake in a sweat and I'm breathing very heavily. The room seems to just be constantly spinning, I can barley get a grip on my surroundings. I hold my head in my hands when I just start to hear the screaming... well my screaming. The muffled sounds and the thrashing, I can still feel his hand on my skin. I can't feel anything, I almost feel like a ghost right now. I try my best to get the thought out of my head. I'm trying to distract myself but I can't, I can barley even focus on my breathing at the moment.

It feels like hours have passed once in finally able to regain my composure and I'm breathing at a good pace. The room has stopped spinning but when I attempt to stand my legs are weak and I almost fall. I give myself a minute before holding onto things to help me stand. I'm able to make it to the bathroom and I that's when I realize how nauseated I am. My body involuntarily gags and before I know it I'm stumbling over to the toilet holding back my own hair. I don't usually get this bad of a hangover, so I don't know if it was the panic attack that caused this.

Once it feels like I have completely emptied my insides, I stand up looking at my horrendous figure in the mirror. My hair is strewn all over the place and I have dark circles under my eyes.

I'm lucky it's only Sunday or I'd be fucked if I had to go to school. When I go back into my room I peer at the time to see it's only 4 am, I slept for about threes hours but I know I won't be able to fall asleep. I just relived one of the worst things ever, the dream used to occur a lot more often but lately my mind has been telling to whole story again. It's like I'm reliving everything...


I had such a good idea for this chapter but I still feel like I didn't execute it well enough. Though of course I hope you guys are still enjoying it even though I'm having a very hard time trying to write and keep inspired. I'm hoping to definitely finish the book this summer or possibly fall.

Besides the point, I love you all so so much don't ever forget that. I've been a horrible author for just continuously leaving you guys but my mental health isn't the best right now. So, I apologize for any grammatical errors and stuff I've might've missed.

Thank you to everyone who is still supporting the book and the people reading and voting and commenting. I promise I see every comment and I try to respond to them all if I can. Thank you thank you thank you.

We've also almost hit 200k reads... like what?! Y'all are amazing, let's hit that goal!

Anyway, I hope to see you all in the next chapter! Bye byeeeeee!

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