Chapter 24- Tipsy

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I'm posting this chapter today to thank you guys for 200 reads and I'll try my best to get a chapter up on Sunday too. I love you guys so much and thank you for 200 reads. MUAH!

"Ash are you okay? Why did you just walk out for no reason?" I ask Ash walking up to him.

"Layla I'm fine but what you are doing is not safe like look at this bruise on your jaw that is forming!" He yells at me turning my face to the side so he could inspect it and I wince a little.

I roll my eyes and groan, "Ash I've been doing this for a few years and I'm not dead and this isn't the first time I've ever been hit you should of seen this fight where I got my stomach cut open by a knife."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" Ash yells again looking at me worried.

I point to my stomach where the scar is slowly forming and he just goes completely depressed looking at me sad.

"Do you not realize I could lose you because of this," he says barely above a whisper.

"Ash-," he cuts me off, "I don't want anymore excuses Layla and you need a real job so you don't get hurt because I don't ever want to lose you."

"I'll call an Uber to pick you and take you home," I tell Ash sternly changing the subject.

"No I'm not leaving you here," he grabs my hand to stop me.

I beg, "Please... I. Just. Want. To. Be. Alone."

He drops my hand and I swear I see tears form in his eyes but I pretend to not notice and walk back inside to the bar. I order lots of shots hoping to get myself wasted enough to forget about everything for long enough.

After what feels like the hundredth shot I get up to go outside to have a smoke but I almost fall over. I grab the table to stabilize myself and then I start to walk slowly to the outside. I walk into the ally way seeing some sketchy people but I just ignore them and light my cigarette taking a drag from it. I puff out the smoke watching it disperse into the air slowly and continuing to do this a few more times. I'm leaning against the wall and all of a sudden hear the sketchy men walking towards me.

The main man is in his mid twenties and has a light stubble on his face. He has jet black hair and his eyes are an eerily creepy black color. He has fair colored skin and smells of weed and alcohol. The other men are either older or some still teens. They all wear stupid leather jackets making them seem in their eyes like "badasses". On the back of the jackets they have a stitching of my guess is their gang sign.

"Hey pretty lady," one of the men say attempting to flirt with me but I decide to play along since I'm to tipsy to think logically.

"Hey mysteriously handsome man," I smile seductively biting my lip.

"What's a girl like you doing out here," he puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me towards him.

"Oh you haven't heard," I say slurring a little and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Heard what?" he whispers into my ear as his friends watch my next move carefully.

"You're talking to a certain Miss Payne," I whisper into his ear then knee him in his groin as he doubles over in pain.

His friends come after me and I try hitting them but seem to have a difficult time considering I am wasted to the max. I'm able to get a few hits in but I'm out numbered and wasted. I definitely get hit a few times but soon I hear somebody run down the ally and starts beating up the men who were hitting me. I look to see who it is and sure enough it's actually multiple people and it's Mason, Bo, Jackson, and a few other members of their gang.

Somebody kicks my leg and I fall onto the floor landing on my hands feeling them cut from the rocks all over the ground. I turn around to see the man who I kicked in the groin about to kick me but Bo jumps onto him stopping him and beating him to a pulp. I start to feel a little dizzy and light headed from the alcohol in my system. When I realize that Masons gang has the people handled I decide that I'm going to leave. I go and grab my cash from Diego and thank him and he hugs me saying goodbye. Then I grab my stuff and start walking to my car almost falling a few times. I get in my car and I'm about to start it but somebody opens my door and takes my key out of my hand.

"Hey give me it back," I pout like a little child.

"Layla you are blackout drunk you are not driving," I right away recognize the voice as Bo's.

"I'm finnnneeee," I slur a little and Bo just rolls his eyes.

"Doll move to the passenger seat," I oblige but pout anyway and he starts the car and drives off to my house.

"How do you know exactly where to go?" I ask him watching the cars go by.

"Well I know this city like the back of my hand and I've been to the ring a generous amount of times if I am being honest with you," he says a matter of factly.

"Oh yah I remember when you would go to the ring and get wasted and fuck girls like there was no tomorrow," I laugh stupidly.

Out of the corner of my eye I see his jaw clench so I stop laughing and look back out the window watching the cars again. The whole rest of the ride is a uncomfortable silence and the atmosphere felt tense.

We finally arrive at my house and Bo helps me out of the car and I almost fall over getting out so he helps me into my house. He sits me down on the couch carefully then he takes the ottoman and sits it in front of me then goes and grabs something. He comes back with a medical kit that he got from god knows where then starts attending to my wounds.

"Why are you taking care of me Bo?" I try to push him away which causes him to growl so I stop and sit still as he cleans the cuts on my hands.

"Because I want to," he replies simply and then focuses back on cleaning my cuts on my hands.

I wince a little from the pain of the disinfectant on my cuts and he apologizes.

"Why are you nice to me?" I ask him.

He looks at me unamused, "That is a stupid question Layla."

"No I genuinely want to know why," I shrug my shoulders.

"You haven't given me a reason to hate you or be mean to you and your a nice person I don't get why people are scared of you because you really are just a big soft teddy bear," he smiles at me and puts away the disinfectant and grabs some bandages to wrap my hands.

"I don't deserve it," I whisper looking at the ground sadly.

Bo pushes my head up to look him in the eyes, "Doll you deserve the world and so much more. Never say anything like that again."

After Bo finishes I pull away from him and look at the couch with a blank stare. Then I look back at Bo who is inspecting me up and down. He is looking at my every feature from my hair to my feet. Then he looks at me directly into my eyes. It feels like he is reaching into the depths of my soul but no matter how hard I try I can't look away. I notice that Bo starts to lean in and for a split second I panic but I start to lean in and close my eyes. I can tell are lips are just centimeters apart when I hear my front door fly open.

I quickly pull away from Bo blushing and hoping nobody saw what just about happened.

"Bo why the fuck did you ditch us for this bitch," I clench my jaw and look up to see Mason looking at me and Bo with a very pissed off looking face.

Well this is going to be fun.


Okay wow I am seriously on the verge of tears right now. THIS BOOK HAS 200 READS. WTF! You guys are seriously amazing and seeing that I have 200 reads seriously made my day so much better. I don't care if it is only ten people reading this book or only five you guys seriously mean the world to me because you took the time out of your day to give my book a chance. Seriously right now you could be off with your friends getting some Starbucks but instead you guys are reading my book. You'll never truly know how thankful I am for you guys and I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Bye byeeeee!

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