Chapter 33- Cliché

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"I just came to visit," Bo smiles innocently and lets himself in my house.

"Bo leave now," I say sternly.

Bo starts to walk towards the living room and I follow him, "How about... no."

I groan, "Please leave Bo, I don't want you getting in trouble because of me. I seem to attract trouble so right now you really are pushing your luck."

Bo rolls his eyes and sits himself on my couch, "I convinced Mason and told him Jack is coming with me. So right now Jack is outside in his car 'watching' us."

"Wow, thanks for the reassurance," I say sarcastically.

Bo laughs, "I promise you it will be fine. If Mason does somehow find out what really happened I can deal with it."

I sit on a different couch from Bo and I pull my knees up to my chest then bury my face into me legs. I feel the weight on the couch shift a little to the side but I don't bother to look up.

"Hey Layla," Bo lifts up my chin like they do I the cliché movies and I feel myself visibly cringe. "Don't make that face."

Bo frowns and I laugh, "You're such a cliché."

Bo smirks then leans towards my face, "Only for you Doll."

I feel a blush creep onto my face so I get up to go to my kitchen and pretend to eat my sandwich.

"I saw that blush Doll, no hiding it from me," I hear Bo say laughing.

I bring my sandwich into the living room and I glare at Bo while he is just smirking. I fall onto the couch dramatically and I can feel Bo's eyes on me.

"Layla are you free after school on Thursday?" Bo asks me.

"Bo you're not supposed to talk to me for a week so that means you have to wait till Friday," I sigh and finish eating my sandwich.

Bo smiles, "Actually at around twelve thirty on Thursday it would have been a week since we last talk so I should be allowed to."

I roll my eyes, "Wow, what a know it all."

"I know I'm way smarter then you," Bo says pretending to curl hair around his finger like a girl.

I laugh, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"If you slept with me then I think I could sleep at night," he says trying to be sly then winks at me.

I groan, "My god Bo."

Bo just laughs, "I know you miss my humor."

I roll my eyes playfully, "It hasn't been long enough."

Bo gasps in fake surprise, "Take that back."

"Never," I smile innocently.

"You are going to regret that," Bo smirks and I look at him waiting to see what he does.

Before I know it Bo is tickling me to death, "Oh my god Bo s-stop it." I have a hard time speaking from laughing so much.

"Say you didn't mean it," he has a smile on his face as he starts to tickle me more.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean it," I say in between a bunch of laughs.

Bo finally stops smiling triumphantly like he just won an award. I didn't notice how close we were and he was just hovering over me on his hands and knees while I was on laying on my back out of breath.

All of a sudden I hear by front door open and I push Bo off of me and he lands on the ground groaning, "Sorry."

I laugh a little and look up to see Jackson looking at us amused, "Did I interrupt something?"

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