Chapter 15- Liar

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Bo came back with my bag and I quickly took out my makeup wipes and wiped off the makeup. Then I quickly did my makeup as similar as I had done it this morning so you couldn't tell I had been crying. Bo chatted to me as he waited for me to finish.

"I'm going to quickly call Diego so be quiet," I say grabbing my phone as I finish up my mascara.

I open up my phone and go to contacts. I click on DD and press call. Yes that is what I named Diego and my name on his phone is Badass Gurl. I don't even know why we put that as our names but we can change it if I want to but I just choose not to.

The phone rings for a few seconds, "Wassup L?"

"Hey umm so this a serious matter it's about you know my parents," I trail off.

"What happened?" Diego's question brings me back to the conversation.

"So somebody in my school accused me of cutting them and now I'm in trouble with the principle so can you please talk to him as my dad for me?" I beg him.

"I'd do anything for you sweets," he says playfully and I roll my eyes even though he can't see.

"Thank you so much. I'll give you some of my cash for my next win," I try to bargain because I feel bad.

"Nope you need that money more then my wife and I," he laughs.

"But I feel bad," I frown.

"I know your frowning right now and if we were talking face to face you would probably be giving me puppy eyes but for real it's fine. Anything to keep you safe," he says sweetly.

"I'll never be able to thank you enough," I say smiling like a freak.

I look over at Bo and he smiles at me and I smile back.

"Okay I'll be calling you in a few minutes and I need to change your name for now," I say to Diego.

"Make sure it says Daddy with two heart eye emojis," I can tell he is probably smirking.

"Yah I'll just name you Dad with no emojis but anyway I'll call you in a few bye," I end the call before he gets a chance to say anything else.

"Okay Bo I'll meet you at the bleachers once I'm done and again thank you for this," I walk up to him and hug him again and he hugs me back tightly.

"Any day Layla," he whispers in my ear with his breath hitting the side of my face making me shiver a little.

"Okay Bo I really need to go before I get in to much trouble,"I walk out of the boys bathroom and a few people are walking by and look at me strangely but some people ignore it.

I walk to the principles office and knock on his door and I hear a faint 'come in' so I open it and walk in.

"What took so long?" He asks.

"Sorry I got distracted I was talking to a friend," I say.

"It's fine. At least you didn't forget to come here because that's happened way to many times," he gestures for me to sit down so I do just that.

"I'll call my dad," I say opening up my phone.

"Why don't you FaceTime because I feel like I'm getting a more official meeting with your parents," he says.

"Umm... they can't FaceTime... I actually had to call my dad while he was in a meeting to warn him so he's missing part of a meeting so you have to make it quick," I lie.

"Well ok. Go ahead and call him now," he points at my phone.

I put it on speaker and rest it on his desk right I between me and him.

"Hello?" Diego tries to sound as professional as possible.

"Mr. Fischer I'm calling to talk about your daughters behavior it's possible she already told you what happened?" He ask 'My Dad'.

"Yes she has already informed me about it," he says.

"Well because of this behavior I am gonna have to give her either a week of detention or a one day suspension from school," the principle informs Diego.

"Well sir my daughter is a very polite and respectful person. I would never believe she would go as far as to cut someone over a petty argument," Diego says.

"It may seem like that but their was witnesses of her cutting the boy," the principle says trying to stay calm while I'm just listening to the conversation.

"I have a question," Diego says to the principle.

"And what is that question?" The principle questions him skeptically.

"How many of the people were girls who told you that my daughter cut a man with scissors?" Diego asks.

"Most of them...," he says slowly.

"How many were boys?" Diego asks another question.

"About one or two...," the principle says slowly again.

"Do you know what this probably means?" Diego asks.

"What do you think this means Mr. Fischer?" the principle squints his eyes at my phone.

"That it's possible that the boy who supposedly got cut with scissors might have seduced the girls in lying to you. Just so they could probably either have sex or make-out with this guy," Diego says venom lacing his voice.

"I do not like that language in my office Mr. Fisher," the principle scowls.

"Sorry but you don't have enough evidence to prove that he was cut by my daughter there for my daughter deserves no punishment," Diego completes sternly.

"Fine, but if I get any other complaint or something about her I will give her detention and suspension," the principle is super mad.

"Well I better get back to my meeting. I'll talk to you later Layla. Love you," Diego ends the phone call and I pick up my phone and set it in my lap.

"You are dismissed Layla but like I said if I get any more complaint you will get a suspension and detention," I exit his office and walk to the bleachers and I see a girl flirting with Bo but I can tell he's not really interested.

"So can you help me with my Biology homework?" She bats her eyelashes at him.

"Um... su-," he's about to answer but then sees me.

"Never mind I can't I have plans with Layla," he pulls me towards him and I almost fell.

"You pick her over me?" she says rudely.

"No she was helping me study for my test in English. I was informed it would be really hard," he tried to make up an excuse.

"Yah but she's a slut don't you see what she's wearing," she points at me and Bo gets really mad and glares at her.

"You should look at yourself in the mirror," I say to her.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that," she crosses her arms.

"I know it's something new. Somebody standing up for themselves and bitch you better watch what you are saying because I will not hesitate to hurt you if I need to," I glare hard at her.

She scoffs at me then walks away swaying her hips.

"Well that was an experience," Bo says.

"I couldn't agree more...," I huff.


Hey I'm a thot and keep forgetting to post.

Okie bye.

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