Chapter 7 - Soda [Rewritten]

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"Hey, guys. Sorry I took so long. Benrey was distracting me"

I say, laughing a bit, remembering what Benrey was doing to Gordon.

"Oh, it's alright, Gabrielle. You're lucky we were just having a soda or two"

Bubby says, taking a sip from his soda.

"So you guys doing anything interesting? Other than drinking soda? Gordon is kinda, um flustered at the moment."

I say, still snickering.

Ignoring my question, Tommy speaks up from beside Bubby.

"You don't look so well, would you like a soda? I still have a cold one"

I look down at my hands, and they are quite pale.

"Yeah you're right"

I take the soda from Tommy and read the label.

Orange-flavored Sunkist.

I smile at Tommy and he returns the smile.

I laugh and pop open the can.

We all say a toast to Gordon as we clink our cans together.

I take a sip as I have my new friends to hang out with.

A few minutes later, I finish my soda as the others get ready to go.

Benrey comes out of the supply closet with Gordon, with a mad look on his face, and sits on a different crate, his back facing us.

He must've gotten seriously yelled at for slapping Gordon's ass. It had to have been worth it though.

Gordon comes by and hands some stuff to Dr. Coomer.

With everyone doing their own thing, I went over to Benrey.

I tapped him on the shoulder, and Benrey must've thought I was Gordon, because he turned around and punched me in the face, knocking me out, breaking my nose, and my Identity Glasses.


Benrey started to say. But once he realized who it was, he stopped talking.

The punch sent me backward and I fell to the ground, catching everyone's attention.

Benrey stood in shock, staring at my limp body.

Tommy ran over to me and knelt by my side. Bubby and Coomer followed behind.

"Is she okay?"

Tommy asks tears welling up in his eyes.

Bubby put two fingers on my wrist and said,

"She has a pulse, so she's not dead"

Tommy looked up from me and glared at Benrey.

"Did you hurt her?"

Benrey looked at Tommy and said,

"N-no. She uhhh just fell"

Benrey said, turning his head away from Tommy.

Dr. Coomer got up from me and walked over to Benrey.

"Benrey, are you telling the truth?"

Dr. Coomer says, crossing his arms, slightly annoyed with Benrey.

Benrey gets tense.

"Yeah, dude. I would like never hurt her"

He avoids eye contact again.

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