Stefan stayed awake for a little while longer, listening to the steady sound of her breathing. It was the most soothing sound he had ever heard, and he knew that from then on, he would need to hear it in order to fall asleep.


Stefan woke up first, feeling cold. His eyes focused and he found Elena on the far side of the bed, with all of the covers on her. He couldn't help but smile. She was a blanket stealer.

One glance at the clock told him it was late in the morning and that he should probably get up. He was trying not to sleep in too much so as to get some sort of schedule going for when he began working full-time.

Stefan sat up some and then leaned over her, placing a kiss on her lips. "Good morning" he whispered, smiling when he saw her start to stir. She murmured her protest, having no interest in getting up.

"How early is it?" Elena asked with a tired voice. She pulled the blankets closer to her.

Stefan laughed softly. "Almost eleven" he said, breaking the bad news that it wasn't really that early. Elena kept her eyes closed. "By the way, you're a blanket thief" he added, tugging on the comforter she still had.

Elena smiled, gripping the comforter even tighter so he couldn't take it from her. "I like your blankets" she said, peeking one eye open to look at him. He looked incredible with his messy hair. So incredible that she was looking forward to waking up with him every morning.

He let her keep the blankets, but he did move closer to her. "I have to get up" he said, resting his head on her pillow so they were face to face.

Elena frowned. "You don't HAVE to" she corrected, opening up the blankets so he could join her.

Stefan moved even closer to her and placed the blankets so they were covering them both. He smiled, because she was right. He didn't have to get up, but he was choosing to. He had some things to get done that day. "I would love nothing more than to stay in bed with you all day" he told her, resting his hand on the curve of her hip. Stefan felt her legs brush up against his before she tangled them with his own.

Elena leaned in and brushed her lips lightly against his. "I guess I should get up too then" she sighed, allowing her fingers to trace the length of his arm, getting a feel for those biceps of his.

Stefan brushed his fingers lightly against her cheek and smiled, admiring her natural beauty. "You're so beautiful" he whispered, looking into her eyes. He saw nothing but kindness and loyalty in them. Love, even.

Elena considered it an honor to be told such a thing by the man lying next to her in bed when she had just woken up. "I love hearing you say things like that" she told him. It was honest reassurance that made her feel wanted.

Stefan sat silently for a moment, looking into her eyes. It was inspiring to think she had suffered a great loss, and yet she was coping so well with it. He loved how strong she was. "I love you" he said quietly. He needed her to know that what he felt for her was real.

Elena reached her hand up and placed it over his hand that was touching her cheek. She squeezed his hand in hers and smiled softly. "I love you too" she said. She loved having someone she could count on.

She didn't have her family anymore, but she had Stefan.


Stefan ran the towel over his head one more time before he tossed the towel in the hamper on the way out of his room. While he had showered, Elena had stayed in bed.

Surprisingly, Stefan found Elena at the kitchen counter, coffee mug securely in her hands and one of her textbooks open. She was reading intently and didn't even hear him come up behind her. "Which one is this?" Stefan asked, picking up the front cover to see it.

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