Second times a Charm

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Liam's POV:

        I looked out side my window, it was beautiful outside.. the sky was covered in a pink daze along with the clouds setting on the mountains. You could tell it was windy outside just by the trees swaying in the wind. I turned around and set my coffee down on the table which was set in the middle of the living area . I walked down the hall where my bedroom was located and headed towards my phone. The only people who really called me were my kids and ex wife but even then it was a short conversation.

"Hello?" I answered cautiously

"Liam?!" Carl screamed through the phone "Where have ya been buddy."

"A fucking castle, Carl." I stated with a hint of sarcasm in my voice

"Fun." Carl replied

"Why are you calling?" I questioned

"Well.. It has to do with Alex." Carl hesitated

"Ha, what about her?" I laughed

"She left. I mean left, she hasn't came back." Carl said whispering into the phone "What if she finds Andy."

"Andy? How would she find him? The chances are very slim Carl."  I replied while lighting a cigarette

"Many things could happen." Carl said in a very serious tone

"Lets say she does find Andy, what do we do with him?" I asked

"We tell him." Carl replied "We tell him about Austin, we tell him everything."

"Yeah, because that's a bright idea." I replied breathing out the smoke that was now filling up my room

"You didn't let me finish." Carl spoke "We kill him afterwards, after he denies our offer."

"What makes you think he'll deny it?" I asked

"I don't know. I don't know the out come of anything, I just kind of do it." Carl laughed

"What do you want me to do?" I replied

"Find Alex follow her around." Carl demanded "Tell me what and how she's doing. If there is anybody with her follow them to."

        The line went dead.

Andy's POV

"You do?" Liam spoke into the phone

"Yes, but she isn't the same." I replied "She's going crazy."

"And how is that?" Liam laughed

"Well, she keeps murmuring the words "I did it." and then she grabbed a nurse and screamed in her face saying "I did it! I killed him." She's going crazy sir."

"My name is Liam." Liam replied "Where are you guys located?"

"Just a couple blocks down from the court house."

"We're on our way." Liam spoke

"You guys are going to help her right? She came from a bad spot when I met her." I asked

        There was a pause

"Yes." Liam replied before hanging up

        I looked into Alex's room and looked at each of the nurses coming out, they had sweat coming from their foreheads and each of them looked at me with disgust and worry coming from their faces.

"Sir?" a women asked "You're with Alex Smith? room 221."

"Yes and please call me Andy." I whispered

"Okay Andy, Does Alex have anything wrong with her?" She replied

"Not that I know of." I said "I've only been with her fr a short time now."

"Hmm. And the scratches on her arms." She paused "They aren't hers."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Her legal guardians are on their way,talk to them." I stated

        She looked at me and nodded. I turned away and made my way into Alexs' room and sat don on the chair beside her bed while grabbing her hand. I looked at her face which was covered in bruices and marks. I moved her arm a little bit just to look at the scratches covering her sking. They were mostly fresh.

"It's okay." I whispered "Their coming to help you."

        I squeezed her hand, expecting a reaction but nothing came up. I put my head down and removed my hand from hers and just sat.


"This way sir." I heard a nurse say while comig in the room

"Thank you." Liam said while stepping in

        His tall figure was taken over by a black long coat and a grey scarf covering his neck, his jeans were a faded blue with brown boots which were covered by the jeans. Carl stepped in with a uniform shirt that had very thin stripes on it and a name tag that said "Juan" his pants were a blue with a stain on the side. His shoes were just filthy.

"Work attire." Carl laughed "As soon as I heard I rushed down here."

        I guess he caught me starring

"Yes. My partner is very loving as you can see, not to clean."

        I laughed

"Is there anybody I could talk to about Alex?" Liam asked

        I pointed to the nurse at the reception desk and then looked at Liam he nodded and then exited the room.

"Listen." Carl said while shutting the door "Alex is a little bit on the flip side."

"What do you mean." I asked

"She was in a mental home when she disappeared for a while." Carl replied

"Oh." I stated "What has she done."

        There was a pause and then a tear.

"Well sometimes she blacks out... And she loses control.. I know she doesn't mean to, but she uses them and then.. Then kills them." Carl cried

        I sat there in silence and then remembered how quiet she got when Austin cam on the T.V

"Who has she killed?" I asked

"Over 15 people.. the most recent was that poor kid Austin." Carl cried cupping his hand to his face

        I looked at him and then her she was waking up.

"Andy?" She whispered

        I just looked at her, this wasn't okay.

"Andy, I have to talk to you." She whisered her voice kind of raspy "There's people after me."

        She opened her eyes and looked at me, and then at Carl.

"No." She whispered "Help me."

"Baby girl." Carl said getting up "It's okay, you're going to be okay, they've come to help you."

"Help me." Alex cried reaching out for my hand.


Okay so I have gotten messages about the book and I understand why it's not making sense to you, it's okay. I have told you guys multiple times before that I leave parts out for a reason.. Reading my previous chapters I have always given you guys a full understanding and everything was fine. The end of the book is coming to an end in like one or two chapters. Just keep voting please and thank you .


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