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I stared out the window, hoping I would see Austin running for me but that wasn't the case. I killed Austin and I couldn't get him back. You see I was told starting from a very young age not to get attached from people which is very good yet stupid advice.
"Alex?" My dad said taping my shoulder
"Mhmm?" I mumbled
"We're here." My dad said pulling out the bags.
I looked to my right where I saw a big white plan which held the words "American Airlines." It was time. You see my whole life I've always wanted to be a good person living the American dream like every little girl wanted, I didn't have that. My family is pretty fucked up.
I pulled the bags out of the car and made my way to the entrance if the plane, I needed to sleep. My dad was talking to Brooklyn and Autumn about something but I didn't care. I wanted to cry.
"Hello, welcome to American Airlines please put your luggage on the top shelf and take your seat." A lady with blonde hair and a perky smile said to me while pointing her finger to the entrance.
I looked at my dad who was looking at her with a smile. I nudged his shoulder and told him to stop.
"Alex we finally get to to go home." Brooklyn said putting her luggage on the shelf then taking a seat.
"Yeah, Alex it's so cloudy over here! I need the sun and boys." Autumn chimed in.
"Hah, you guys it is a relief but I'm done with relationships right now. It's also the middle of November, I highly doubt there's going to be sun." I said taking a seat.
"Are you still bummed about Austin? Alex this is our job." Autumn said poking my ear.
"Alex if you can't handle it, you can't be in the business." My dad said
"I know, I know. It's fine he's just another boy...okay? I'm used to it." I replied
"Okay good." All of then said before having a laugh.
I live in a family of murders. When I was little I lived with my mom but my mom and dad were very shady. I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door, at first it didn't bother me but I heard screaming so I opened the door and was grabbed by an officer. Before you knew it I have been in 9 different foster homes and 5 different schools. That's when my dad "adopted" me as Aaron Hernandez, the only down side of this is he was known as a criminal I mean everybody knew him. So long story short I went to live with my dad as my mom hid away back in California. I was then taught to kill and hunt... Sort of like an animal. It was sickening. The abusing started up when I was around 10 or 11 just as a distraction, we knew people would get involved. Each and every one of them died. By the time I was 12 I killed over 15 people. I don't really know why my dad starting raping me, I think he got bored. 14 I met Austin.
"Welcome to California." I heard a voice over the intercom say.
"Alex are you awake? We need to go now." My dad said
"Yeah, let's go." I replied grabbing my luggage and following the rest of my family out the door.
I walked out the exit and heard screams of laughter and cries coming from mothers of children and dad's.
"Alex?" A friendly voice said from behind.

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