Let Me Go

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"Alex?" The voice repeated
The voice was fragile and somewhat shaken, it sounded sad. I turned around and saw a beautiful women. Her hair was long and wavy followed by the color black. Her eyes were a piercing green but the color was washed out.
"Yes?" I replied
"Oh my, you look so grown up. You're beautiful." She said smiling
"Thank you... Who are you?" I asked
"I'm... I'm your mother." She said looking down
I was surprised so I just stood there standing as still as a statue. I had a million things I wanted to say but nothing came out I was speechless. This women practically ruined my life.
"Oh come here. Give me a hug and love your mother." My mom replied
She shoved me into her arms and looked around. I didn't know what to do so I stood there motionless. I haven had a hug like this in forever.
"Listen, I have a lot of explaining to do. Do you guys drink coffee." My mom asked
"I don't drink coffee. I already know everything." I stated
"Well, what do you like to do." My mom looked at my sisters and I
"What do you think?" I said grabbing my bags
"Alex." Autumn said grabbing my for arm
"No, I don't want this okay? You guys are all fucked up. Everything you do is sick. Killing people? Getting into relationships and getting in bed with them? No that's not right! Nothing is, you people are sick." I yelled looking at each and everyone of them.
"Alex keep it down." My dad replied
"No Carl don't tell me what to do. I'm leaving this family, for good okay? This time I'm gone and it's not for a stunt." I said crying
"Where are you going to go?" Brooklyn asked.
"Somewhere far away, away from you people. That's for damn sure." I replied
"Alex please don't do this." My mom cried "I love you."
I looked at her and then my family. I could feel the tension of other people. But I didn't care.
"Don't tell me you love me! When you didn't try to get me back for 9 years. Don't act like everything is okay! Because it's not. It's not fucking okay. You left me with this man I'm supposed to call my father. No he's not he's a criminal a drunk man who has no future." I cried
I looked around and took hold of my bags everything just came out, it felt good.
"Mam? Are you with these people?" A big security guard said "if so I need you to keep it down."
I looked around and saw people staring along with little kids tugging their heads in their mothers jacket.
"No I'm not with them." I stated quietly
"Then I need you to leave." The guard said patting my back
"No problem." I replied
I took my bags and walked out. I'm leaving and not looking back.

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