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I felt terrible. My whole life I have been killing people but for some odd reason I had a weird feeling. My whole weekend I was worrying and stressing debating on wether or not to go to the police station. I woke up on my floor with my phone laying across the room, the case it's self was bending and breaking. I tried calling my mom a couple times but she had no intention of answering so I just stopped trying.
On Tuesday I went to the drug store and grabbed some pain medication, I had really bad cramps causing me to bend over the toilet for half the day. I haven't talked to Andy in about 7 days which was bothering me but I don't want him in my mess. My day was going well but the fact that Austin was gone was absolutely sickening.
On Wednesday I slept till noon hoping I would forget everything, but that's not the case. I got dressed and grabbed a jacket, I needed to call someone I knew would answer. I took the bus down town hoping I wouldn't run into anybody asking for money or some stuff like that... I don't know what's down here.
"Hello? Erika?" I asked speaking into the phone
"Alex?! Is that you.... I've been looking for you." She yelped
"Calm down okay? I couldn't find you at the airport." I stated quietly
"Well , I went on a different airline then you guys." Erika replied
"Why?" I asked
"Because Autumn needed the ticket." She said
"Oh okay... How's Meg?" I asked
"She's fine.. Completely fine." She laughed "why did you call? Are you alright?"
"Um... actually no I'm not. I need..." I replied before the line cut off "hello? Hello?"
I looked at the phone and then sighed before setting it down. My family wouldn't let me back in and I needed the money. I looked around the city and looked at the people laughing and walking with their friends... damn.
I stepped outside of the phone booth and started walking the clacking of my shoes and the sound of people talking was driving me insane. I heard the voices getting louder and louder I couldn't take it anymore, I broke.
I went to the nearest bench and cried I couldn't stay here anymore my guilt was eating me alive an I could feel it.
"Alex?" A familiar voice asked
I looked up and saw Andy standing with a brown bag and a piece of glass in another.
"Hi." I replied
"Are you okay?" He asked sitting down
"Yeah, I'm fine... everything is okay." I stated quietly
"You're lying." He replied
"I'm just running out of money. I don't want to go back to my old job." I cried
"Your old job was sick." Any said figuring with my fingers
"Hah... do you even know what I did?" I asked
"Yeah, you traveled." He replied
"That's what I did..." I said getting up
"Where are you going?" He asked while grabbing my arm
"Back to the motel." I replied
"You need a ride?" He said getting up
"No I'm good." I stated before walking away
"If you really need some money call me. I'm serious I know a place." He smirked
I looked at him and nodded my before leaving
Andy's POV:
I watched her walk away, she wasn't okay and I knew she was lying to me... money wasn't the only thing bothering her. All I knew about her old job was that she traveled. I made my way to the car and put my items in the trunk. I then made my way to the car door and got in. You see I've known Alex my whole life her real name is Alexandria but she doesn't like that so people call her Alex. When we were little I used to come over when her parent weren't home and we would just talk... I don't think she remembers what she told me but I still do and that's surprising because I'm on cloud 9 half the time. I remember her telling me how much she hated her parents because if what they did and she hates her self because she has to do what thy do when their older... I didn't get much of it because they traveled. Her house was always packed I mean she had her 3 sisters which were all very confusing and then her parents that always had friends over. When we were around 9 she moved but we were still in touch, I stopped talking to her for a while because I got caught up in this thing called 'overplay' which is basically group if people who sell drugs oops. When I did start talking to her again she said she was doing better and she was okay but it wasn't everything seemed off about her. And then she moved back here except she's 15 and I'm 16 honestly the only thing about us that's similar.
I took a breath and waited for the light to turn green. My job was to drive all the way down to LasVegas and deliver this stupid pack of weed I don't know why they couldn't come down and get it their selves but eh their not the one making the money. I made my way back to the town to get on the freeway, my boss and I have been friends for a really long time but I don't know why she got the lead when I'm more mature. My thoughts were disruptive by a loud ring on my phone.
"Hello?" I answered
"Did you get the stuff?" The voice asked
"Yes I got it... I'm on my way now." I replied
"Okay. Be careful." The voice commanded
"Yeah okay." I said before hanging up
I made my way on the freeway causing me swerve into other lanes here and there but I couldn't handle the freeway even if I was on it alone. I felt bad for not taking Alex home but she kept rejecting me and trying to shut me out. Despite of what she was going through I was going to find out.

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