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        I woke up in the hospital which wasn't new the last time I was here I was eleven because my dad hit me so bad I basically passed out. My eyes felt very heavy along with my whole body I tried sitting up but a hand pushed me back down I was assuming it was one of the doctors but when I looked over I saw Austin. For the first time in years I was happy to see someone.

   "Austin?" I asked

   "Hey, how are you doing?" He replied

   "I'm fine, how long have you been here?" I laughed

   "For a couple hours now." He replied

   "You didn't have to do that." I gestured

   "Well, I wasn't planning to I was waiting for your mom or someone to show up but nobody came so I kind of figured you would like to wake up with somebody here." He stuttered

   "Oh, Can I ask you a question?" I asked

   "Sure." He exclaimed

   "Why are you wearing a long sleeve when it's burning hell out there." I replied

   "They are very comfy." He laughed

        After a while a nurse came in I was more scared then nervous. I don't know if she was looking at me in disappointment or she was shocked.

   "Alex?" She asked

    "Yes?" I replied

        She asked me the same questions Mr.Todd did when we were in the station I answered them very carefully remembering Austin was still in the room. As we went further into the questions I started getting really tired but one caught my attention.

    "Do you do drugs." The nurse asked

    "What?! No!" I exclaimed

    "well, when we took your blood drugs showed up." She continued

    "What kind." I asked

    "Heroine." She looked at me like she's never heard of it before

    "what? What is that? Is that thing you shoot up your arm?" I yelled

    "Listen, since you're under age we need to call in a police and you need to talk to them." she explained

        I nodded my head and looked at Austin he looked shocked, Did he think I did heroine? I waited for the police to show up not saying to Austin. I saw a police show up behind the counter his back facing towards me so I couldn't see who it was. When he turned around I saw Mr.Todd just as I expected. He looked at me and then Austin then nodded his head in approval.

     "Alex we need to talk." He said

     "Okay." I replied

     "I need your friend to leave." He looked over at Austin

          I looked at Austin he was getting ready to stand but I stopped him, He was the only friend i had right now and I needed him.

    "I would like if Austin stayed." I said

        Austin looked at me and smiled.

     "How did you end up in here."

     "I must've ate something bad." I replied

     "Bullshit, I need you to tell me what happened." He yelled

        I jumped back frightened I didn't want to tell him what was happening.

      "Alex I need you to tell me what has been happening If you want help I'm here and I can't do that for you if you don't talk to me, now tell me what happened." He said more relaxed

     "Okay." I replied





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