Going Back

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Alex's POV: 

      "Well that was a very fine date." I mumbled 

      "I know, I'm sorry babe." Austin replied 

        I looked at him and nodded, I couldn't get that girl out of my head. Her vibe was off. It wasn't just that, that was bothering me it was the whole school thing who was after me? My dad was in jail, I haven't heard from Mr.Todd in days, My mom was all the way in California there was no possible answer to this. I looked at Austin who was looking straight at the road he was so cute but very focused. 

    "Hey, babe?" I asked 

    "Mm?" He mumbled 

    "What did the girls look like?" I asked 

    "I don't really remember I think Brooklyn had brownish hair, I'm not too sure though." Austin replied 

        I didn't have anything to say after that so I stayed silent. Austin never had anything to talk about but I liked it, he was shy. I was surprised Austin was still with me, they usually run away but then again Austin has been through pretty tough shit himself but then again I have no room to talk I don't know the full story. We arrived home after what felt like forever I took off my shoes and went upstairs with Austin following behind. 

      "Can I sleep with you tonight or?" Austin asked 

      "Yes." I replied 

         I looked at Austin and gave him a slight smile before making my way into the bathroom. I took off my dress which was covered in water I was pissed only because I had no way of drying it so I grabbed the color of it and hung it on the shower rod. My pajamas were easy to put on considering it was a pear of shorts and a tank top. When I came out I saw Austin laying down with a comic book in one hand and a piece of bread in another. 

    "What are you reading?" I asked 

    "Marvel." Austin replied 

    "Eh?" I questioned 

        Austin looked at me funny. 

  "Excuse me?" Austin asked 

  "Whats Marvel? Is it History?" I replied 

        He laughed 

 "No babe." Austin said laying back down 

        I looked at him and laughed I had no idea what he was talking about. My night consisted of anxiety, I was very scared of going back to school no I take that back it was just the kids I was afraid of, I knew they were talking.

Austin's POV: 

        I looked at the wall that was to the left of me. A thousand thoughts flooded my mind, I wasn't comfortable with Alex going back to school but she never listens to me so there wasn't a point in arguing with her. I stared at the wall for a long time before transitioning my body to face up to the ceiling I couldn't sleep. 

     "Austin,Austin." My Grandma said shaking my body 

    "Hmm." I mumbled half asleep 

        I don't remember closing my eyes 

   "There's a man on the phone he want's to speak with you." My Grandma replied 

   "Okay." I said reaching for the phone 

        I took the phone and quietly told my Grandma to leave. 

  "Hello?" I asked 

  "Why, hello Austin."  A deep voice replied 

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