Unknown caller

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I woke up to the sound of a vacuum, I looked at the clock beside Austin's bed it read 8:05 am was Austin still here? I sat up very quickly and got a massive headache when my balance came back I made my way over to the couch where I saw a big lump of hair peaking out from the top of the blanket.

"Austin." I whispered

He wouldn't wake up.

"Austin." I said nudging him

He still wouldn't wake up.

"Austin!" I yelled

I heard a faint mumble come from his mouth. God this kid doesn't know how to wake up.

"Yes Alex?" Austin said very faintly

"It's time for you to go." I replied

"Hm." Austin growled

"Well good morning to you to." I laughed

As I was walking away I felt a hand jerk me back to the couch and I landed on Austin.

"What are you doing?" I laughed

"Well, I was thinking we never had a real date." Austin said kissing my neck

"Where is this going?" I asked

"Me you date?" Austin said sheepishly

"That's not the correct way." I told him

I looked at Austin and smiled,

"Alex you are such a beautiful girl please let me take you on a date." Austin said hugging me

"If you go to school, then yes I'll go on a date with you." I replied

He looked at me and gave me a quick kiss before getting up. Austin was such a good soul but he kept so many secrets from me, even though he didn't think I knew. I sat on the couch waiting for him to come out I honestly didn't know what was going to happen I was just thankful Austin took me in. The door opened and Austin stepped out with a white hoodie with the words "CRAZY MOFOS" in black lettered along with a pair of blue jeans and whit high tops, his hair was put back in a snap back,

"When I get back were leaving." Austin said pushing me into a hug

"Where are we going to go?" I asked

"Surprise." Austin replied.

Austin's POV:

I walked into school and wanted to turn back the moment I got in that place. I wasn't the popular kid in school but I was known if that makes any sense. The eyes of teenagers lurking on me was making me anxious I even heard a few whispers involving Alex.

"Hey you're Austin right?" A girl said

I looked at her a little confused I didn't know who she was.

"Yeah." I replied

The girl just stood there and smiled

"Can I help you?" I asked

"Oh yeah sorry my name is Brooklyn, I'm new here." Brooklyn replied

"So why are you coming to me?" I said

"Well I've heard a lot about you and you seem cool, you're pretty cute." Brooklyn said smiling

"Thanks?" I replied

"Wanna grab something to eat sometime?"

Wow it's her first day and she's already picking up boys.

"Listen you seem like a very nice girl but I have a girlfriend." I chuckled

"Where is she?" Brooklyn asked

"I don't have time for these questions." I exclaimed

"See you later?" Brooklyn asked

I didn't even answer her I just looked back. The last two classes went by in a flash, when lunch came I didn't know where to sit I had my old friends but I promised my self I wouldn't go down that road again. It felt like forever standing in the lunch room because by the time I came back to reality the lunch tables were filled so I just sat in the bathroom stall. By the time lunch was over I just spent the day counting down the school bell.

When the school bell rang I raced down the halls but one conversation caught my attention.

"I couldn't get him to say yes to the food," Brooklyn said

I peaked my head around the corner and saw Brooklyn talking to a girl with curly brown hair I couldn't make out the rest of her face because she was hiding behind her locker.

"We have to get him someway." The girl replied

"I could talk to him again." Brooklyn asked

"No, if he's dating Alex we need to have her! If we get him out of the way the rest will be easy." The girl explained

"But how do we even know it's Alex?" Brooklyn said

"He called and told me she was here." The girl continued

"You don't even know who this guy is." Brooklyn exclaimed

I closed my eyes and thought about what we've been through. If these girls found Alex she

would either be hurt or killed there was no in between.

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