Chapter 2-Chelsea

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Sitting on the bar, she had downed her forth glass of wine. She knew she was drunk but she didn't care. She was here to make cool cash and cool cash she would make.

"Hi babe" a masculine voice said as he sat on the stool near her.

"Hi"she replied seductively.
"You look sexy" he said as he looked at her like a piece of hot cake.

"Thanks" she reply.
She wore a mini red gown and a high heeled shoe. She was just 5 foot and to appear tall, she wears heels.

"Thanks and you look sweet" she replied seductively exposing a part of her lap on purpose.

"So how much do I have to pay to have this wonderful lady on the bed?" he teased.

"Just $200"she replied smiling as she bent down purposely so that he could see her breast which was exposed.

"Instead of 200 dollars, I'm gonna pay you 300 dollars. You have such a beautiful body" he replied smiling.

"Thanks" she replied as she winked.

"How do you want it?" he asked smirking.

"Anyhow you want it" she replied licking her lips.

"Spoilt lady. I meant how do you want me to pay you?" He replied as he laughed.

"I thought you were asking me how I liked having sex" she replied.

"Your brain is so corrupt" he replied smiling.

"I want it as cash" she replied.
"Why don't you want cheque?" he asked with a smirk.

"I don't know you so therefore, I don't trust you with my money. I prefer cash. I don't want a stale cheque. Guys are liars" she replied.

"Nice girl with nice brains. For that, I would pay you 400 dollars" he replied as he opened his portfolio and brought out wads of cash giving her all of it.

"Count it"he urged.
"I don't need to count it. I know it's complete" she replied smiling.

"So let's go?" he asked.

"Yes let's go" she replied.
My name is Chelsea and I'm 27 years old. I love money and I'm a commercial sex worker and an actress.

I have featured in most movies and I'm famous. I love money a lot. I live in a three bed-room flats and I don't need to work to pay for it.

Money grows like grass for me or should I say money grows as grass for me because I give my body out.
I'm a millionaire and an harlot.

I'm curvy and busty and should I say assy? If there is a word as assy because I have big ass.

I believe in this principle -use what you have to get what you want.

I had a boyfriend when I was 24 and I left him alone because I can't bear to suffer. Infact, I've left lots of people out of my life.

Life to me is survival of the fittest. You are either a predator or a prey. If you are a predator, you are saved but if you are a prey you are damned.

I can't bear to suffer when God has blessed me with assets.

Heaven help those who help themselves that's how the saying goes.

If I had stayed with my ex, I would have still been a pauper. I decided to help myself so that heaven would help me and now here I am.

I'm the owner of a flat, a camry car, a lamborgini.
What else do I want? All those men came to my life as a blessing.

"Thank you God for this great body you have given to me. Thanks a lot" Chelsea said as she opened a box of pizza and a plate of ice cream.

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