Chapter 1- Pain

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"Some people comes to your life as a blessing. Others as a lesson"

"It's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past always claws its way out"

"Why are you here again?" Janet asked venom filled in her voice.

"Please allow me see him" Amanda begged.

"I thought that the last time you came here, he made it crystal clear that he didn't want to see you. So what are you doing here?" Janet asked.

"Please allow me see him" Amanda begged again.

"He doesn't want to see you, so leave. I don't want you to make my husband sad" Janet replied angrily, trying to keep her voice low so Paul wouldn't hear her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Paul asked his voice filled with anger as he came outside.

"I'm sorry" Amanda replied timidly.

"I asked a f**king question. What the hell are you doing at my house you wicked woman?" Paul asked angrily.

"Please help me. I need some dollars. I'm very hungry" Amanda replied tears filled in her eyes.

"I don't give a fuck about you Amanda. I hate you so much and I don't want to ever see you in my life, my house, my family. I'm done with you" Paul replied angrily.

"Please Paul don't push me away" Amanda pleaded in tears holding paul's leg but fell on the floor as a result of Paul removing his leg.

"I'm done with you. I hate you a lot. You mean nothing to me. You are useless and worthless. How could you do that to me?" Paul asked angrily.

"I'm sorry. I've learnt my lesson s-"

"Don't you dare call me that. We have no connections with each other anymore. The connection that we had together has been shattered" Paul said as tears rolled out of his eyes for the first time.

"I can explain. Please allow me explain" Amanda pleaded.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. You wicked woman. I have wasted a lot of time with you, listening to your rubbish. I'm done" Paul said as he pushed her out of his gate.

"Don't you ever allow that woman enter my house again. Am I clear?" Paul asked his gate keeper.

"Yes sir I'm sorry" James, the gate keeper replied angrily.

Paul sat on his chair as he shed tears.
He had really loved her and cherished her. The first woman he had ever loved and trusted.

Paul sat down on the floor remembering the countless tears he had shed. He remembered how he was insulted by people and how they mocked him saying" how would you survive without the love of your life?. They were like two rivers, they had always clunged at each other.

They had actually predicted that she would leave him and she did it indeed. He remembered how they bet on him saying she loved money more than him but he chose to disbelief them. He knew she couldn't leave him alone.

She claimed to love him.
Didn't she say it?
He remembered countless times how she told him.
"I love you a lot, I would never leave you."

"You're my world. My world revolves around you.
No one or nothing can take your place in my heart my king.
I love you more than you think I do."
But she lied to him. She left him without looking back. He pleaded with her not to go but she refused.

"Don't go. God would bless us with lots of money" he begged as he knelt down holding her leg.

But what did she say?
"Leave me alone. Because of you, I can't enjoy my life. Because of you, I'm poor. I'm done with you. I don't love you. Money is what I need. I don't need you" she said as she pushed him.

He thought she was joking but after a week, he knew she had really left.
He felt desolate and lonely.
The void in his heart she left when she left hadn't been filled even though he had a family of his own.

"I'm done with her. I'm done with her" Paul said as he angrily pushed a glass cup off his table.

He felt glad he was able to tell her what she told him years ago" I'm done with you".

She had said she was done with him and she comes running back to him after years. But he was going to keep his word.
He was done with her!

(Amanda's POV)
I deserve all what he said or did today. I deserve it. I left him alone all for money. He loved me a lot.

He cried the day I left. He begged me not to leave him. He had told me that everything would be alright. He had told me that we would be rich someday but I didn't heed to his words and now this is my karma. I have no place anymore in his heart and it breaks my heart a lot.

"What is it Janie? Why are you looking at me like that?" Paul asked his wife who was giving him some weird looks.

"What? Can't I look at you anytime and anyhow I want? Ain't you my husband? I'm not sharing you with anyone" Janet said as she smiled.

That statement normally made Paul laugh but now he couldn't even smile because Amanda had ruined his mood.

"Paul is it because of her?" Janet asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder, massaging him.

"Yes I hate her a lot. How could she come back after what she did? I loved her a lot but she broke my heart. She was the first woman I had ever loved. She didn't take my love and now she comes running back asking for forgiveness? I hate her a lot. I hate her so much" Paul replied pain and anger evident in his voice.

"You have to forgive her my love. She doesn't want anything from you other than your forgiveness" Janet urged.

"Never I won't forgive Amanda. She won't get any forgiveness from me" Paul replied angrily.

"To err is human, to forgive is divine" Janet said to her husband as she massaged his neck bone.

"Well bonus fact I'm not divine. I can't forgive her and I would never forgive her. Janet please can we stop talking about this?" Paul begged.

"If you wish" she replied.

"Thanks"Paul said.

"So when would we go and see your mum? I miss her a lot Janet said as Paul smiled.

Thoughts on this chapter?
What do you think transpired between the two of them( Paul and Amanda)

Plus: If you detect any error, I'm sorry. It's unedited. 🙃🙃🙃
Sugars pls your vote and comments count. With your votes and comments, I would have the zeal to continue.

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