19. Cease the Tease

Start from the beginning

He reached for a folder from his coat and handed it to his boss, "She was recently seen in a mall with two other girls. She was alone without any cops around. These are her pictures."

His boss opened the folder roughly and scanned through the pictures. Gary noticed that his boss's eyes widened as he saw the picture.

"You mean, this is the girl we've been trying to kill?" His boss said alarmed as he showed Gary the picture.

"Yes. That caramel-haired one. Why? Do you know her?" Gary inquired with a raised eyebrow as he noted the sudden change in his expression.

His boss didn't reply but kept quiet as he scanned the pictures with his brows drawn together as if deep in thought.

After a while, Gary saw his face morph into a sinister smile as he looked at the picture of Danny.

"What did you say her name was again?" He asked in a low dangerous voice which brought a chill down Gary's spine.

"Er, Danica Evans." Gary gulped and watched his boss who had a vile look on his face.

"Change of plans, Gary. I want her alive in one piece." He said in a creepy tone with a wicked expression.

"But why though?" Gary asked him hesitantly.

"Where is she living and with who?"

He fished out his phone to show the location and Damien's photo, "She's living with this guy."

His boss's eyes again lighted up with some emotion Gary couldn't understand. And it didn't look nice at all.

"Well well well, if it isn't Sargeant Damien Arnault." He said as he smiled wickedly.

"Do you know him? How?" Gary questioned eagerly.

"Mhm. We're old friends." He said and put together Damien's and Danny's pictures together, "This is perfect. One shot, two birds!" He exclaimed evilly.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Gary asked cautiously.

His boss didn't answer his question but instead laughed maniacally and said, "This is going to be very interesting."

* * * * *

Danny sighed as she closed her laptop. She had been working from home for a few weeks now. And not to mention that her colleagues were devastated with the sudden death of their boss. They lost themselves in their thoughts and mentally preoccupied with feelings of insecurity, sadness, shock, concern, uncertainty. The lack of concentration resulted in an increase in mistakes, poor decisions, and diminished energy and brought on some huge losses to the company. But eventually, they moved on from their grieving process to a certain extent but continued to honour their late boss. The board of directors had chosen a person to act as the interim CEO temporarily for now.

Danny had been in touch with Becca quite frequently to get to know what was happening in their office. Old lady Karen seemed to move on from William pretty quickly when the new interim CEO's appointment was announced. He was quite younger than William and was also good looking. Karen was instantly infatuated to him.

Typical Karen.

Becca's story was still the same. She got back with her shit of a boyfriend and broke up with him again for the millionth time. Danny just gave up as she failed miserably to knock some sense into her.

She buried her head into her hands and rubbed her eyes tiredly. It had been a tough day.

Tougher than usual.

She looked at her face in the mirror and cringed. Dark circles were showing under her eyes, indicating that she hadn't slept properly for a few days. She headed towards the bathroom and washed her face quickly.

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