"Like hell I would, I wouldn't want your freak teacher to show up. Plus, we don't want our asses to be handed by you." The leader of the gang said towards Karma.

"But, I don't need to get physical to wreck your day. I can just eat your food and post a negative comment about it." He said with his smirk, getting a scowl from them.

His group sat down and his lackeys were looking at the menu, the way the menu looked, they were getting hungry looking at it.

They exclaimed that it looked good and started asking their 'Leader' if they get it. Their leader shouted at them that their stupidity showing and grumbled.

He looked at the dish that was in front of him.

"Here's our signature dish: acorn noodles." Okuda said timidly as she introduced the dish.

The male looked at the food and a smirk came to his face.

'I'll just eat it and puke afterwards.' He thought with a smirk as he took some noodles.

He placed the noodles in his mouth, when he thought he had to fake puke, he was surprised by how good it was.

'I-IT'S SO GOOD!' He exclaims in his head as he tears stream down his face.

The ones who made the food saw his reaction and explained why it was so good, plus adding by how hard they worked on making the dish.

"Ne, Karma-kun. Where's (Y/n)?" Nagisa questioned as he faced the red head.

"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me her plans." Karma said as he shrugged his shoulders and put his hands into his pockets.

"Really?! The Devil's boyfriend, doesn't know what she's planning?? I thought you tell each other everything?" Rio said with a smirk on her face as she wrapped an arm around Karma.

"She told me she had a surprised planned, she even said that this plan will cause us to be placed 1st." Karma informed.

Kayano, Nagisa, and Rio, looked at him then each other. They were starting to wonder what (Y/n) had in store.

They were snapped back to reality when they saw the kids from Wakaba Park's Nursery.

"Nagisa!" Sakura exclaimed as she saw Nagisa.

"Sakura! Mr. Matsukata and the rest of the kids!" Nagisa exclaimed, happy to see them.

"So you kept in touch with them, huh, Nagisa-kun?" Megu said with a smile on her face as she faced Ngaisa.

The kids and Nagisa had a talk and they were eating the acorn cafe's food. They started saying how good it was, but Nagisa explained that it was hard to get people to realize they had good food.

Sakura and the rest of them encouraged them, saying they had this 'Mysterious Power'. 

"The food was great! Don't lose hope, Nagisa-kun! Oh, and tell (Y/n), I said 'Hi!'" Sakura said as she and her group waved them goodbye.

-time skip-

Currently, Acorn Cafe were starting to be swarmed by lots of customers. When Yuji the guy from the Okinawa trip, who fell in love with Nagisa posted an awesome food review about the cafe, loads of people started ordering.

The author became lazy when writing the scene with Nagisa having to expose his gender to Yuji, so she just gave a recap of what happened.

Class E was getting busy and they even got more customers coming every few minutes.

The customers were mostly female, since they saw some good looking guys eating.

And who might those good looking guys be?

Hold up......What? (Karma Akabane x Reader x Brothers Conflict)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora