¤ Chapter Seven ¤

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I didn't sleep so that I could post this chapter for y'all *holds up peace sign while sobbing with a big smile on my face* Please enjoy. This chapter made me question my existence so much...

To any of my friends who read this...I present evidence that i am NOT innocent. AT ALL. (y'all know what's coming now)*winks*

Also, please read the note at the bottom, there's an important announcement/information.

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Warning: sexual scenes (i'll put another warning when it begins)

Word Count: 3072 (very long)


"Who are you?"

Kiran froze. Carefully, the healer put down the egg he was holding and turned around. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen was a muscular male with long black hair and piercing hazel eyes. The male wore fighting leathers much like those Azriel wears. The male hands go to the weapons at his side. Behind him came a female with golden hair and brown eyes she wore a beautiful red gown, her lips painted red to match. They both stared at the healer eyes wide in confusion.

"Rhys!" The male yelled. Kiran flinched. There were footsteps and in came another male with black hair and violet eyes. He just screamed High Lord. His violet eyes widened in shock, mouth falling open. Behind him came a brown-haired female. Her eyes a gray-blue. She wore a pair of leggings and a sweater.

"You're that healer," The High Lord pointed to Kiran. His next questions were spoken loudly, "What are you doing here? Where's Azriel?"

Kiran pressed a finger to his lips. He didn't care that he had just told the most powerful High Lord in history to shut up. He cared if the loud visitors woke the still sleeping male, it was, after all, the best sleep the spymaster had gotten in a long time, "He's still asleep. Please don't wake him up."

The Night Court's Inner Circle looked at the male in confusion. Kiran quickly turned off the stove and gestured for them to follow him. He walked to the living room. After quickly checking to see if the shadowsinger was still sleeping soundly, Kiran placed himself on the couch and prepared himself for the onslaught of questions.

"What are you doing here?"

"Who are you?"

"What's your relationship to Azriel?"

"How did you get here?"

Kiran sighed, "I thought it was a good idea to come here in case the poison returns or the same thing happens again. My name is Kiran. I'm his healer, solely. Azriel brought me. Any other questions?"

"Where do you sleep?"

The healer's mind whirled. They couldn't know that he shares a bed with the spymaster, "The couch. I'm currently looking for my own place. This is only temporary. You could say that we're roommates." Kiran almost laughed at the hidden meaning.

The male in fighting leathers nodded, sharing a look with the golden-haired female, "is he still asleep? We wanted to check on him. He left very abruptly and didn't seem himself. Was he acting strange?"

Kiran thought back to the prior night. Azriel had refused to let go of the healer throughout the entirety of the night, clinging tightly to his mates clothing. The spymaster seemed to be begging the other male to never let go, to never leave him, "He looked quite stressed. I asked him about it, but he told me it was nothing." Kiran half-lied.

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