¤ Chapter Two ¤

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Word Count: 2758 (shorter then the last, sorry)


Azriel couldn't breathe. He found his mate, and they were beautiful. Azriel couldn't get rid of the stunning face and set of dark green eyes that pulled on his heartstrings. His smile had been one of absolute beauty and one Azriel wanted to see more of. In just one look he knew that Kiran was his mate. It took all his willpower to not get up from his sick bed, hunt his mate down, and make love to him until they couldn't move a muscle. He knew he wanted to hold the other male close to his side and give him soft kisses. Only, Azriel knew that the Inner Circle would have find out about one of his deepest secrets. Azriel wasn't completely prepared to let them find out just yet. He also wasn't ready to give into love; he didn't deserve it. Kiran deserved better than some Illyrian, bastard-born, shadowsinger covered in a map of scars. Almost subconsciously, Azriel tried to cover up his hands, but was unsuccessful. The door to his room burst open, disturbing Azriel from his thoughts, and in strode a ferocious looking Morrigan. She began accuse the shadowsinger of hiding too much.

"Why didn't you tell us you were poisoned? This is something you can't keep a secret! Az, are you even listening to me! I can't believ-" Azriel tuned out Mor's rant and opted for staring at the white ceiling of the room he was staying in. Cassian walked swiftly over to the side of Azriel's bed. He gazed down at the oblivious spymaster. Cassian held up a hand to quiet Mor who had still been rambling, unaware that who she was ranting to was distracted.

"Azriel, what is happening inside that head of yours?" Cassian whispered. Azriel continued to stare openly at the ceiling, his only thoughts on the mysterious healer who was his mate. Azriel's Illyrian instinct roared at him to find Kiran, to get up and go claim him as his own. He knew that the healer wouldn't like that though.

Azriel shook his head, banishing all thoughts of the male. He then looked up to his friends, "I didn't know about the poison." Was all he said. His visitors stiffened. If Azriel didn't know about the poison, who did? Who had poisoned the spymaster of the Night Court?


Kiran rubbed the spot on his wrist where Azriel had grabbed him, a soft smile on his lips. He could see the hazel eyes staring at him, reaching deep into his core. He wanted to hear that male call his name. The tip of Kiran's pointed ears reddened at the thought. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. He shouldn't be thinking like this. He was disgusting, that's what his family had told him before kicking him out. Kiran could remember that day like it was yesterday. His father screaming. His mother crying. His brothers and sister looking on in disgust. The scene had been imprinted on his mind. Never leaving, replaying in his dreams. Every sharp word, every blow. Tears pricked at the back of Kiran's eyes. He had no time to recall his sadness, others had been through worse. Kiran thought back to those scars on his mate's hands. They must have been from when he was a child. Who would do that to such a beautiful male? Kiran rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Kiran!" He heard a voice call. The healer turned to see his closest friend running towards him down the corridor. Her auburn hair flying as she ran, green eyes wild. Her brown dress hugging her thin legs, the rest soaring behind her.

Kiran smiled widely, "Hello Liana." He pulled her into a hug. Once he released her from the hug, the female bounced on her feet; her face split into a grin.

"You'll never guess what happened to me today!" Liana cried.

Kiran looked her up and down, eyes falling to the scratches on her knees. He pointed to the injury, "Anything to do with that?" He asked.

Liana laughed, "No of course not! Brevin has asked me to marry him! I accepted," She jumped up and down. Kiran's own face splitting into a wide grin. Liana deserved someone like Brevin. He was a kind soul, who loved Liana greatly. They complimented one another perfectly, although they weren't mates, they seemed to be connected like they were. Kiran stifled a sigh. If only, "Alright, that's my news, now what about yours?"

A Court of Secrets and Desires - Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ