¤ Chapter Three ¤

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Word Count: 2822 (Still a pretty short chapter)


Kiran could tell that Liana was suspecting something was going on. He constantly left to see Azriel, peacefully laying in his bed, sometimes surrounded by his friends. Kiran felt his insides melt whenever he saw the male. He had talked to him during their time alone, learning about his mate, growing closer. They shared everything with one another. Trauma's were no longer carried alone. Emotions and thoughts were shared. Kiran began to smile more, laugh more easily. That's what spurred Liana to think something more was amiss. He was about to go see the shadowsinger when Liana pulled him into a corner.

"Alright Mr. Secrets, what's going on? You haven't smiled and laughed so much before. And you keep sneaking off to who knows where, always returning with a lovesick expression on your face." Liana stared deep into Kiran's eyes. Bright green eyes searching.

Kiran sighed, "I found them, I found my mate. I go off to talk to them every day. They make me so happy Liana. But I can't be with them." Tears flowed down his cheeks; his hand came up to wipe them away. Liana's arms wrapped around Kiran. She didn't know why Kiran couldn't be with his mate, but she knew that it must be something big. Kiran had always dreamed of finding his mate, but now that he's found them, he couldn't even be with them.

"Can I meet them?" Liana asked.

Kiran stiffened in her arms, "I don't know. You might not like them."

Liana scoffed, "Of course I will. If they make you happy, they must be incredibly special." Kiran nodded. He gently grabbed her arm and pulled her towards down the hallways to the room his mate was in. Kiran took a deep breath and opened the door, walking in to the person on the bed. Liana froze, she now understood.


Azriel's face split into a small smile, as Kiran walked in. Illyrian instincts telling him to kiss the male and hold him tight. Azriel pushed the urge down, he didn't want to ruin what they had. Even though it was just talking, Kiran knew more about him then anyone else, even the Inner Circle. They had questioned why he was so happy, Rhysand had just given him a knowing look. Feyre smiling kindly. It had been getting on his nerves, he tried to hide his happiness. But he just couldn't Kiran made him so cheerful. He wanted the male for himself.

Azriel's smile faded slightly when he caught sight of someone behind his mate. It was a female with auburn hair and bright green eyes that widened when she saw him. She wore a plain brown dress. Her eyes flickered to his swirling tattoos to his Illyrian wings, his hard muscles from all his training, the scars that mapped his skin, resting on his maimed hands. The female turned to his mate and looked at him with a gaze of understanding.

The female walked over to Azriel's bedside and extended a hand, "My name is Liana." Azriel went to shake her hand, but felt as though his scars would make her uncomfortable, and pulled back. She tilted her head, confused.

"Azriel." He said, looking at his hands with a frown. Kiran placed a hand over his. Azriel locked eyes with him. Desire shooting through him at the look of absolute care and feeling in Kiran's dark green eyes.

Liana turned to Kiran, "I'm not mad or scared Kiran. I don't care that this male is your mate." Kiran visibly relaxed at her words, a sigh of relief passing his lips. Liana continued to talk to Azriel, learning more and more about him. She excused herself and left the room wanting to give the two unmated mates some privacy.

"I'm sorry for telling her, Az. She just kept prying and asking." Kiran looked down at his hands, frustrated in himself. They had decided to not tell anyone, yet. Kiran had broken that, he expected Azriel to be mad.

A Court of Secrets and Desires - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now