Extra: Fun With Frosting

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Basically, just cute, frustrated Azriel and Kiran scene from a prompt given by a friend. Probably not a canon Azriel thing but I had to.

WARNINGS: there is some sexual content (sort of)

Words: 680 (VERY SHORT)


Azriel was frosting cookies and he wasn't having a good time.

Kiran had dragged him into baking cookies by promising him some special activities later on if he did. Azriel had instantly agreed, he didn't know it would be this hard though. The frosting covered his hands, face and clothes. His face full of frustration and concentration as he attempted to frost another cookie. Kiran laughed at him, already having properly frosted ten cookies. Azriel wasn't very content in his mate's reaction, but if it meant some other activities later, Azriel was trying his best. He just couldn't understand how the frosting worked. The cookies were another problem. They kept breaking in Azriel's hands.


Well there goes another one, Azriel thought as another one of his cookies broke.

Kiran's laughter filled the air. Quickly, Azriel grabbed a scoop of icing on his finger and placed a bit on the tip of an unsuspecting Kiran's nose. He looked at the blob cross eyed before grabbing his own and swiping it across Azriel's wing. So began the full-on icing war between the two. By the time they called a truce, Kiran was covered almost head to toe in icing. Azriel's wings had several smears on them. His body covered as well. Their clothes had protected most of their bodies. That didn't mean they didn't have icing on them either though.

Kiran took in Azriel in all his icing-covered glory, smirking as a thought passed his mind. He leaned forward and licked some of the icing off his mate's cheek. The shadowsinger almost melted. Kiran moved to his wing, licking away some more of the icing. Azriel's chest exploded, a shiver running down his back. Kiran backed away taking in the visible need in his mate's eyes. Azriel grabbed Kiran's wrist and winnowed them to their bedroom, his intent clear.

He laid Kiran down on the bed, still holding his wrist. Azriel nestled himself between Kiran's legs. He placed two of the male's frosted fingers in his mouth and proceeded to lick all the icing off of them. Kiran stifled a moan. The Illyrian moved his tongue between the fingers, flicking it over the skin. Azriel pulled the fingers from his mouth and trailed his tongue up to the next strip of frosting in the croak of Kiran's elbow. Kiran was a moaning mess as Azriel moved his tongue to Kiran's neck. Licking and sucking. Pressing a kiss here and there. Biting down every so often. Azriel lifted his head. His eyes, full of lust, met the dark green half-lidded pair. Smirking, Azriel went to Kiran's other arm and licked away the frosting. His hands slid up under the material of Kiran's shirt causing the male to arch to the touch. In an instant the shirt was removed. The healer tugged at the bottom of Azriel's tunic. The shadowsinger obliged, removing his shirt and tossing it to the floor.

Kiran lifted himself up on his elbows. He lifted a hand and reached for Azriel's wing, tucked neatly into his back. Kiran grasped the leathery material and gently extended the wing, bringing it close to his head. Kiran softly licked the frosting from the wing, never breaking eye contact with his mate. Azriel let out a groan, his eyes fluttering shut. Kiran quickly flipped them so he was straddling the Illyrian male. Azriel's eyes shot open, protesting about his wings. Kiran ground down on the Azriel's prominent friend by his hips. The sound Azriel made was enough to snap whatever resolve the healer had had until this point. Kiran began to lick up the icing as Azriel had done to him not that long ago.

Once Kiran had licked his mate clean, he went for the belt at Azriel's waist. He pulled the shadowsingers pants down, flinging them across the room, along with the belt. His own followed soon after.

Azriel chuckled, "Eager, are we?"

"Shut up and devour me." Kiran panted.

"As you wish."

With that, the two mates tangled among the sheets for the remainder of the night.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

The ending is so rushed...I'M SO SORRY!!!!

Please feel free to suggest any type of scene, etc. you would like me to do!

The second book is underway. The first chapter is in the works!!!!

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