"Of course I'd wait but waiting patiently was something I never promised."

Rebecca frowned and turned toward her drink as Luke ordered another bottle of Coopers. "Fourteen days Luke," she said.

"I'll be here," Luke said. He felt a hand on his jeans and looked to his right to see Rebecca. She still had puffy red eyes and nose. Luke wanted to apologise to her and hug her but Scotts in Sydney was being filmed and who knew where their cameras were set.

"I'm sorry," Rebecca whispered.
"Let's not weep. Let's do something."
"You're drunk."
"Maybe. But I still want to see this place. I've never been here."
"Well you're missing out."

Luke laughed and smiled at Rebecca, the girl he wished was hers. He took her hand in his and kissed it.

"I invited Indie," he said, breaking the news that he and Indiana were slowly mending their friendship.

"That's great," Rebecca said with a big smile.

"She said she told me so and I went to go meet with Kyle the day before we left. He's like... as old as my dad," Luke shivered. "Okay maybe he's not that old. He's like late thirties."

Rebecca was silent and Luke took that as an opportunity to explain what happened that day. "Kyle said he was separated from his wife and Indie was there to 'keep him company.' He said he understood my scepticism because if he knew Indie in my perspective, he'd do the same. Then he went on about how much he loved her and it was gross."

Rebecca laughed softly. "When does she come?"

"Tomorrow morning. She's staying in Michael's suite because he thinks I'll try and abort the baby myself or something."

"I'll set her own suite up, how about that? I mean it's not like she'll be here very long."

Luke raised his eyebrow. "Why not?"
"N-nothing," Rebecca said quickly.

"So tell me Miss Richards," Luke said, clearing his throat and taking another sip of his watered down beer, "What can I do for you to pick me?"
"I feel like the Bachelorette."
"Oh did you hear that's coming next year."

Rebecca looked at Luke and snorted out a laugh. "How would you know?!"
"I have a mum, I have my brothers' girlfriends and not to mention I live- well used to live with Indie."
"Makes sense."
"So back to my question?"
"Hmm... well Noah has a work meeting tomorrow at eight until ten. You can hang out with me at the beach."
"I was at the beach today!"
"Well, do you want to marry me or not?"
"That's debatable."

The two of them smiled and Luke leaned his forehead against Rebecca's but she pulled away. "The cameras," she reminded softly and it took all of Luke's might not to do it anymore. He desperately wanted her touch and wanted her forever. Though a strong part of him was ready for her to not want him back at all. A part of him was ready to leave without any regrets because he tried his hardest and if that wasn't enough, he just wasn't for her.

"I love you," Rebecca said softly.
"I know," Luke said with a wink, remember the many times she had said that to him rather than the three words back. He wondered if she did it with Noah too but he thought it was something that they had together. At least that's what he thought.

"Shut up," Rebecca groaned, "Say it back."
"Now now, I never said that when you didn't say it back."
"Yeah but I'm different."
"Oh I know."

The two of them shared a laugh together once again and it was moments like this that made Luke fall in love with Rebecca more and more each day; he wanted to kiss her and hold her just like the way he used to when he was a stupid teenager and it was because of these little moments. Rebecca made him feel like the seventeen year old he was a long time ago, hopelessly in love with a beautiful girl with rich parents and a bright future when all he wanted to do was play the guitar and sing in a band. That wasn't really saying much every time the Richards' invited Luke for dinner but something in his heart told them that he would make it and look where he was now: he made it and all he needed for ultimate happiness was this beautiful girl next to him being his. He was almost there.

Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now