"How are you liking it?" I shouted.

He spun me around, "I have no idea what I'm doing but it's not horrible."

I laughed and grinned at him, "You're actually not bad!"

The music came to a dramatic halt as the song ended and we stopped in front of each other. I curtsied dramatically and he answered with an equally dramatic bow. If this is what Aslan meant by being supportive then I should be getting an A-plus.

"Edmund!" Susan ran over to us, "I didn't think you would dance. Thank goodness Y/n is so stubborn."

We laughed and Edmund smiled slightly before we made our way over to the table Peter and Lucy were sitting at. By now it was getting dark so there were lanterns and candles placed on all the tables. I sat down next to Lucy and plucked a grape from her plate to pop in my mouth.

"You can get your own plate you know," Peter chuckled. I shrugged and plucked another grape. Peter continued, "We'd best be getting some sleep. We want to be prepared for tomorrow."

Susan nodded and stood up, "Come on, Lucy, Y/n."

I stood up and said goodnight to Edmund and Peter before entering the tent Susan, Lucy, and I shared. We threw off of festival dresses and pulled on our normal dresses. The one thing they forgot in our trunks was pajamas so we had to wear these. I bid goodnight to the two girls and fell into bed, tired from the night's festivities.



I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about Aslan's face when he announced that the Witch had spared Edmund. Unlike everyone else he actually looked sad and lonely. I knew something was wrong.

I tossed around in my bed, trying to find a comfortable position when a large shadow traveled across the wall of the tent. That was definitely a lion's silhouette.

"Susan!" I whispered. I didn't want to wake Y/n up, she needed to be well-rested for tomorrow.

Susan groaned and looked at me. I swung myself out of bed and grabbed my cloak and belt with the gifts from Father Christmas hanging on them. Her eyes widened and she quickly snatched up her cloak and bow, following me out of the tent. We crept around the side to see Aslan walking up a hill and disappearing into the trees.

I looked at her quizzically before moving to follow him, hiding behind trees as we went. We were already pretty far down a path when Aslan stopped.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" He spoke softly.

We stepped out from behind a tree, "We couldn't sleep."

"Please, Aslan," Susan spoke, "Couldn't we come with you?"

He turned his head towards us, "I would be glad of the company for a while. Thank you."

Susan and I stood on either side of Aslan and pet his fluffy mane as we walked. A long time passed and tiny hints of bluer sky showed through the leaves by the time Aslan stopped.

"It is time. From here, I must go alone."

"But Aslan..."

"You have to trust me. For this must be done." He said solemnly, "Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell."

He walked away and Susan put her hand on my shoulder before beckoning me to follow her into some nearby bushes. We followed Aslan while making sure we were hidden but stopped behind the foliage when we heard squealing. It sounded like an angry boar was screaming. Peering around the bushes, we saw a hill covered in the Witch's army. The ugly things hoisted torches into the night sky, illuminating the stairs leading up to a stone archway and table. As Aslan climbed, demonic creatures howled and screeched at him, taunting him, hoping he would give them a reason to attack. Nevertheless, he calmly walked and met the Witch at the top. She stood on the stone table in a black dress and held a knife in front of her stomach.

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