"Very well. We will fight Shadow Valley head to head in three days' time. Get the soldiers ready for battle, but tell them to leave Lucius alone. Only I get to kill him." Hoseok nodded, furiously scribbling on his scroll. "Try and evacuate all mortals in the area before the fighting starts, but not too early; we don't want Shadow Valley suspecting anything. And tell the guards at the eastern border to stay where they are. I wouldn't put it past Shadow Valley to launch a sneak attack while the troops are away."

Hoseok finished the message with a flourish of his pen, and rolled the parchment up. "I think I got everything. I'll report back to you tomorrow to discuss battle plans. Oh, and Taehyung?" He fiddled nervously with his quill, and I motioned for him to speak.

"Er... are you sure you're going to be alright? Killing Lucius, I mean. I know it might be hard, considering your past together, and―"

"The Lucius I knew is long gone," I whispered, cutting him off. "He's a different person now. He became nothing to me as soon as he decided to put on that wretched mask. I won't feel an ounce of remorse killing him. Nothing at all." Despite my brave words, I could feel something in my chest. Sadness, maybe? Sadness for what he had become.

Hoseok simply nodded, casting one last affectionate glance at Jungkook, before bowing and heading for the portal. I watched his figure retreat through the swirling mass of light, wondering why I suddenly felt so alone.

"So, who's Lucius?" A voice piped up from down below, and I looked down to see Jungkook staring at me while rubbing his eyes. His hair was a bit disheveled from using my chest as a pillow, but his eyes were as bright as ever. "Who's Lucius?" he repeated.

"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" I asked, flicking his forehead lightly. He ducked away from my fingers, smiling slightly. "Not the whole thing! But you guys were so loud, I couldn't help it." He pouted, and I had the sudden urge to squeeze his cute cheeks. God, pull yourself together Taehyung!

"No more bad dreams?" I asked, ignoring his previous question. "You were sleeping pretty peacefully." Jungkook hesitated. "Yeah... but, I think I was supposed to give you something... something important. The green-eyed man told me to give it to you. He said―" Jungkook gave a violent shiver, and I wrapped the cloak tighter around him. "H-he said that it was a gift. But I'm sorry, I think I've lost it."

"You didn't lose it my love," I said, wrapping both arms around his waist. "I already got it. Thank you, you were a wonderful messenger." I kissed his cheek, and he turned bright red, hiding his face in his cloak. "Oh, don't do that," I laughed as I pulled the cloak awak from his blushing face. "Don't hide your pretty face."

"My face isn't pretty," he mumbled, and I shook my head. "It's prettier than anyone's by far. I can see a whole galaxy in your eyes. With you here, I won't ever miss the sun again. Your face is brighter than the sun ever will be. You're my beautiful flower."

"Stop with the poetic stuff, please," Jungkook muttered, but I saw that he was still blushing. "It's getting sappy." I just smiled and let him lean on me, loving the feel of his hair underneath my chin. "But Taehyung? There was this strange man in my dream. He―he had green eyes, and was talking about you. Almost as if he knew you. Do you know that man?"

I sighed, nodding. "Yes, I do. He's the Lucius you were asking about. The leader of Shadow Valley. Why?" My gaze sharpened. "Did he hurt you? Threaten you?"

"Well, he had this short scim... but he didn't use it. He just told me to give that coin to you... and he also said something about a monster. That you were going to turn into a monster." Jungkook looked up at me, a bit scared. "Are you?"

"Not for a very long time," I promised. "I can keep it in for a while longer." He looked confused. "But isn't anger something that just sort of evaporates away after some time?"

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