Chapter 9

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Assalamu alaikum FAM (Greetings to all ) 

Haya had to ask Taimoor to drop her at Mariyam's place for her nikkah since Ali had an exam and he was at college. It was Mariyam's nikkahand Haya was going to parlor with her. Grabbing her white sari , which matched the theme , she hanged it in the back seat. As she slid into the passenger's seat.
His cars always smelt same. Like him.And I love it. God , he is intoxicating. How does he manage to smell this pleasant . Why cant be he sweaty and  just less attractive. 

"Wear your seat belt kitty , then you'll blame me for murdering you". Taimoor said interrupting her not so decent thoughts.
" Don't call me that. "She replied as she buckled the seat belt.
But you like this nickname. Haya you are such a hypocrite .

"I never call you "that". It's either kitty, shortie or Haya."
Haya rolled her eyes at his smartass reply. There was a time when his smartass replies pissed her , irked her but these days she was finding them refreshing and amusing . They made her smile . Sometimes she'd even consider them pure genius . From the vain , narcissistic, conceited Taimoor , he was now funny , striking, stunning and HER'S.  

"If we are going for nicknames then whatever you say, Mandy ". Haya replied as she gave him her you-didnt-see-that-coming smile. 
"Mandy ? " He asked as he looked in her direction , with confusion hoping that she would elaborate which she did gladly. 
"Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. You rarely smile, and your facial expression remains perpetually disgruntled like Mandy. You are emotionless, power hungry, sinister and manipulative ." She explained.

"Wow your vocabulary is improving. What are you reading now a days?" Taimoor asked looking rather amused . "Wait. I forgot something. " she said only to get a "what now" look from him.

"Like Mandy your nose is so small it's not visible", Haya said as she folded her arms in victory and a satisfied smile played on her lips.

Taimoor looked in the review mirror. Was his nose really that small? "I thought noses were off the limit ." He said as he touched his nose feeling a-lot more self-conscious.
"Mine is. Yours is off the radar. " She said and broke in laughter.
This was an epic comeback . She felt like patting herself. What a victory. DAMNNN... She thought.

What Haya had discovered in pass month was that  Taimoor was a really patient with her. He had hardly lost control with her apart from that dinner when he had completely lost it. Her comebacks, sarcasm and insults never made him lose temper. Unlike her , he had always accepted them gracefully. And she was beginning to appreciate that. 

The car came to halt as they had arrived at the farmhouse. But she didn't care. She was laughing because she thought it was funny. His nose wasn't that small. But was she going to tell that to him? 'No!!!'

In between the laugh , she managed to say. "No wonder...giggles... you.... never....get offended." And she laughed out loud. Clutching her stomach as it started to pain.

"Is it really that small? " He asked as he came close to her face leaving only few inches between them. She was staring into her eyes sobering up. Like a dear caught in head lights ,she was confused. She saw the sparkle in his eyes then. He was doing it on purpose. 

"Huh......." she managed to say.
This close proximity was doing wonders to her.
She should have left the car before making the last comment.That was she'd be a safe distance away from him. But she didn't .Because she didn't want to . 

"Haya.... " he whispered. 
"Hmmmmm",she said as she bit her lips and bowed her head. His eyes were captivating her. But he forced her chin back up. Her checks were getting redder and it was getting hotter in the car even with the air conditioner working at its full capacity .

"What have I told you about the lips? " He asked.  He was so close; she could feel his minty breath on her face. He pressed his cold fingers on her chin sending sparks down her as he pulled her lower lip from the other hand .
"Next time I see you biting them , I'll bite them for you." He warned. 
"Understood ?... "
Haya, who was mind bogged nodded in response. Her brain was dysfunctional. Her eyes were busy staring at his beautiful face. She held her hands in closed fist to avoid touching his face. She had this overwhelming urge to touch those perfect cheek bones.

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