Chapter 4

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Emani POV

Why isn't he home yet? Where is he?
It was now 3am in the morning and still no sign of Diareé. I didn't expect him to be out this late. I had been blowing his phone up but no answers. Now I'm sweating and about to start crying.

*iPhone ringtone*


"Em-an come g- me- plea-", the background was so loud I could barely hear anything he was saying.

"Baby I can't hear you!"

"Bae come get me!"

Then I heard a female voice that sounded all too familiar.

"Oh come on don't tell me you tired alrea-"

Oh hell no!

"Diareé who is that!"

"Emani just please com-", the call ended.

I just shook off the fact that I could hear another female's voice in the background. I quickly put on my slides and grabbed my keys. Luckily his location is on so I put it in the gps.

Once I got in the club I knew I had eyes on me. I came out here with a big shirt on with some tights and I didn't care. Then I spotted Cash.

"Cash where's Diareé!"

"Aye wassup wi-"

"Cash where's my husband!"

"Oh he in the bath-", I didn't even let him finish cause I already knew what he was gonna say.

I busted open the bathroom door and there he was laid out on the couch. His shirt was off and his shorts were almost off. Then someone came out of the stall.


"Oh hey Emani", she said licking her lips.

Everything in me wanted to beat her ass so bad but I couldn't I had to take Diareé home. I don't even have time for her.

"Diareé wake up", he seamed very drunk and could barely stand on his own.

"Diareé come on"

As we left the bathroom Majesty had some slick to say. "I had fun Diareé"

Oooo she keep testin me but I got other things to worry about than some thot.

We made it though the crowd and I got him into the car. I buckled him in and started up the car and went home.

As soon was we got home I took him to the room, took his clothes off and began to run a bath for him. I began to think as I was waiting for the bath to warm. What was he doing with Majesty? Did he want to go out because of her. Did he cheat on me? I had to stop thinking after that I didn't want my mind to wonder too far.

After giving him a bath I put some jammies on him and tucked him in bed.

I couldn't sleep. My mind just kept spinning. I was trying to pray but I could concentrate. His phone kept lighting up. Some one was blowing up his phone.

Don't check his phone. Don't check his phone.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

*Ding Ding*

Oh my gooooosshhh! Nope I can't do it I can't.

I hopped up from my side of the bed and snatched his phone from the nightstand on his side. I didn't know his password so I held up his phone to his face.

Unknown#: 10 attachments

I tapped on the message and there was my fear staring right back at me. There were pictures of Majesty sitting on top of Diareé with his hands where they're not supposed to be. They took selfies where they were kissing and smiling. Then the worst of them all, Majesty and Diareé making out on video tape. They kept going and right when Majesty was about to attempt to ride him the phone fell over and the video stopped.

I was speechless. All I could do was cry. I fell on my knees and just cried. I put his phone back on the nightstand and went to my side of the bed.


I couldn't sleep. The video kept playing over and over again in my head. Diareé hadn't woken up yet so I went to the bathroom and got his some Advil. My eyes are so swollen right now I can't even stand the sight of light. I crawled back into bed and just laid there.

About an hour later Diareé began to wake up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my ear.

"Mmm bae I got a headache", he said softly.

I didn't respond.

I heard the Advil bottle open as he slowly got up from bed.

He got up and walked around to my side. I sat up and rubbed my face. I didn't want him to see that I was crying, but that didn't help anyways.

"Bae what's wrong with you? Why you look like you been crying?", he asked sitting next to me.

Diareé POV


"Bae did someone die?"

I could feel my heart beat getting faster.


"Did you cheat on me", she whispered.

"Emani what?"

"Did you cheat on me", she was now looking into my eyes.

"Bae why woul- "

"Wooow okay. So you don't remember what happened last night?"

"No babe I don't all I remember was going to the club with Cash-"

"And Majesty?"

As soon as she said that name all the memories came flooding back. The drink, the bathroom, my inability to move. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and looked into my wife's eyes. I could see the pain written all over her face. From her dried up tears and puffy eyes.

"Emani nothing happened. Please try to believe me. I would never cheat on you", I tried holding her hand but she took it away.

"Diareé, when did you become such a skilled liar", I was caught off guard.


"Yes Diareé a liar!", she had her voice raised now. "Check your phone! Check your phone!"

"Okay Okay!", I hurried over to check my phone only to see pictures of me and Majesty in the bathroom together. And out of nowhere I felt a push.

"You didn't cheat right?", they kept coming. "You had your lips on her! She was all over you!"

"Bae stop you making my headache worse"

"I DONT CARE ANYMORE! You know what I'm gonna go. Pray, just pray that I come back."

I watched her take her shoes and bag and leave. I sat down on my bed and put my head in the palms of my hands.

What happened?

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