There You Are Sweetpea

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You wake up in the back seat of a car. "Frank?" You ask " Hey Sweetie Its me Karen." You look at the drivers . "Auntie Karen?" You grumble "Yeah it's me hon. It's me... How are you feeling?" You sit up with a whimper. Your body hurts like hell. Your ribs are bruised and your eye and cheek are throbbing slightly and and your lip burns. "Everything hurts. T-They..." "I know hon... We saw... I want to check your ribs when we get you home." She says as she goes over a small bump in the road you let out a small yelp. "How do you know Frank?" You ask looking out the window at the street lights and the lack of stars in the sky because of the light pollution. " We are just good friends." She says as you pull up to the apartment to meet with Foggy who is sitting on the stairs waiting for them to pull up. He stands up and speed walks to the back of the car and opens the back door. "Hey squirt. Missed ya kiddo" He says with a small smile. He looks like he has been crying as well. You scoot over to him and he helps you out of the car and onto the sidewalk. "I missed you to Uncle Foggy..." She says as she looks up at the building. "Is dad home? I-Is he going to be mad at me? I-I know I wasn't suppose to be out after dark b-bu-" Karen gets out of her car and walks up to you " Hey hey hey... He isn't going to be mad as long as you are safe is all that matters. He should be up there... Lets go on up. " She says as Foggy helps her up. 

Karen opens the apartment door and all three of them slowly walk in trying not to disturb the silence. You gasp at the sight of the apartment is a mess and glass is everywhere and the tables and chairs are knocked away carelessly and aggressively. " I... He lost it. I convinced him to take a walk..." Foggy says and guides you carefully through the glass so your bare feet won't get cut and he sits you on the couch. "This is all my fault..." You say as you begin to cry. "(Y/N) This is not your fault at all... Why were you outside?" Karen asks. " I-I was hopping dad was just late with work so I wanted to bring him dinner... He promised he wouldn't forget..." You sniff "It isn't fair." Karen and Foggy look at each other and sigh and start cleaning up. "I am going to call Matt" Foggy says as he is about to go out the door of the apartment to get some privacy the door slams open with a panting Matt Murdock. "Where is she?" He asks in desperation as he makes his way to the living room. "D-Daddy?" You sniffle looking up at him. He has no glasses on, His hair is everywhere and sticking to his forehead with sweat, his shirt is soaked with sweat,His face is red and blotchy, and he has tear trails going down his cheeks. "S-Sweetpea?" He asks as he slowly walks up to you like you are a scared animal ready to run. When he gets in front of you he gets on his knees "looking" at you.

Karen motions for both her and Foggy to leave you both alone so they quietly exit the apartment. Matt lifts both his hands in which you grab them and guide them to your face. He gently moves them around feeling the bridge of your nose and the band aid over it and its swollen. Then he moves them to your cheek and under your eye which is slightly swollen. After that he guides both of his hands to your temples where he feels the stitches under the bandage. He moves his hands to your forehead to feel the bigger bandage. He moves down to your split lip and when he touched it you wince as it starts bleeding again. Throughout this you see his eyes watering and his lips trembling. You take his hands and set them on your lap holding both of them. " I-I'm sorry dad. I shouldn't have g-gone out like you told me to... I'm sorry." You say as your heart breaks at the sight of his eyes watering and letting some loose tears come out. You take the jacket sleeve that is way to big on you and wipe his eyes. " (Y/N) don't apologize. None of this is or ever will be your fault. I am your father and I didn't protect you like I should've." He says and he starts crying more and lets out a sob and brings you into a hug which you lay your head on his shoulder and cry into it. "You are safe now I promise." He pets your hair and you both cry together. "I am so so so sorry sweetpea...You are okay now... shhh shhh"  He says whispering trying to comfort you but also comforting himself.

 You sit up fully and say " I am going to go to my room... I want to get this dress off of me... It smells like vomit." You say laughing quietly trying to make light of the situation which he chuckles and stands up. "Okay... Do you need anything? Like water or ibuprofen?" He asks moving to the kitchen as you stand up. " Could... Could I get  a donut from yesterday?" Matt chuckles " Yeah you can have all the donuts you want" He says smiling as he gets the box of donuts out. You nod and limp to your room and shut the door. You unzip the jacket when something falls out of the pocket. You lean down and whimper from the pain in your ribs. You pick up a folded piece of paper and unfold it. Its a phone number with a note that says 'Emergency's only -Frank' You look at the paper then back at the door and decide to slide it into your side table drawer. You take the jacket off and lay it over your bed and then go to your full length mirror. You decide instead of pulling the torn, bloody, vomit covered dress over your head you slide it over your shoulders and it collects on the floor around your ankles. You look at your torso which is filled with black, purple, and blue bruises. You grab a pajama shirt from your dresser and slide it over as slowly as you could to not cause any pain. You slip on pajama shorts  and then a knock comes to your bedroom door. At this time it is well into the early hours of 2 or 2:30 AM.

 "(Y/N)? Can I come in?" Matt asks. "Yeah." You say as your dad walks in with a water bottle under his arm, some painkillers, and the box of donuts. You sit on your bed letting your hurt leg dangle off the edge of the bed. Matt puts the donuts on the bed and the rest on your side table. Matt sits at the bottom of the bed with the donuts between you both.  " Dad?"  you start. "Yes (Y/N)?" he responds. "Do... Do I have to go to school tomorrow?" You ask looking up at him. Matt pauses then says "No sweetie you will be staying home until you are healed. We are taking you to the doctors tomorrow to get an official doctors note." He says and opens the box gesturing for you to go ahead and eat. You take out a donut and start eating it. "Thanks dad... Can we go to church on Wednesday?" You ask taking another donut and eating it. "Yeah sweetie of course. Is there anything else you need?" He says as he shuts the box of donuts as you finish you second donut when he notices you aren't reaching for them. You lean over and open the water bottle and painkillers and you take three and swallow them. As you set the water down you look at your hands as you place them in your lap. " I-I know I am to old for this because I am almost fifteen years old but... Could you hold my hand until I fall asleep?" Matt stands up and kisses your forehead being aware of the bandage and says "Yeah just let me put these up." He says lifting up the box and leaving your room. You lay under the covers leaving your arms out looking at the door waiting for him to come back. When he does come back he sits at the edge of the bed and kisses the top of your head and takes ahold of your hand. "Go to sleep sweetpea. I will be here when you wake up. You nod and close your eyes "I love you dad." You say just at the edge of sleep. "I love you too sweetpea... Good night."

Rebel     (Father Matt Murdock x Reader x Platonic Frank Castle)Where stories live. Discover now