Ham Sandwich and Phone Calls

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You wake up to a burning sensation on your face. You gasp and lurch yourself up only to be pushed down by your shoulders and you let out a screech as a hand clasps down over your mouth as tears run down your cheeks. " Kid its me. Shh Shh it me kid..." You look up to see the man you bumped into today at church and you calm down as he lets go of your mouth. "Mister Sewer Rat?" You ask him your throat is scratchy and you can only speak slightly above a whisper. "Is that what you are calling me now?" He asks and you nod. " I'm not going to hurt you intentionally kid. I gotta clean your face and its going to hurt like hell." You only nod and lay still with your head facing the ceiling before glancing at the bullet proof vest and looking at him. "You know who I am don't you kid." He says with a flat tone. "Yes sir... I do." You say and continue to look at the ceiling. "I'm not going to hurt you kid." He says as he puts hydrogen peroxide on a piece of gauze and dabbing it on your forehead. You flinch and lets out a whimper. "I know you won't. You have a code... You don't hurt innocent people. Especially kids."  You say as he moves on to your nose which you scrunch  your nose up. "How would you know that kid? For all you know I could have been behind your kidnapping." He says as he puts a big bandage on your forehead and a small one on the bridge of your nose. "You killed those men... If you were a monster you would have just watched." You pause for a moment and whimper as he takes out a needle but decide not to look at it. "I never believed in killing someone but... I am glad they are dead. What they did was humiliating. I just hope that they didn't send that video to my dad. I know it would break his heart to see me like that." You finish and wince as he starts stitching your temple. 

"Stay relaxed kid." He says. "My name is (Y/N). Please call me that instead of kid." You mumble as you try to stay as relaxed as you can. "Alright (Y/N). I am guessing you know my name then?" He asks as he ties the needle and thread off and put another band aid over it"Yes sir, but calling you a Sewer Rat is more fun." You let out a giggle but stop as your throat becomes more scratchy. "But since I am nice I will call you Frank." You smile only to let out a yelp. "Careful your lip is still split." You go to sit up but let out a cry in which Frank sighs and helps you into a sitting position and as you look around you now realize you are on a couch in a living room. He slides a paper plate with a ham and cheese sandwich on it. "Go on and eat." You look at it for a moment not knowing what to do. "Go on ki- (Y/N) I didn't poison it or spit in your food." Frank groans as he stands up and walks over to the window lifting it slightly with his middle and index finger as he says"I am surprised you didn't wake up while I was stitching your leg." He looks back at you and you are scarfing down the sandwich. "Easy your stomach is empty and your throat might still hurt." He says walking into the kitchen area of the apartment grabbing a cold water bottle as well as an ice pack from the fridge and freezer then moving over to you and sitting on the corner of the coffee table and handing you both of them. At this point you had finished the sandwich and set the paper plate on the table and take them both putting the ice pack on your neck and holding the water after opening it taking a sip.

You both stay in silence as he periodically checks the window. "Kid how about you sleep for a bit. I am going to make some calls." He says walking into the hall. You nod and lay on your back stiffly scared that you might hurt yourself. You place the the ice pack on your neck and close your eyes and surprisingly you feel yourself drift off to sleep.

(I did a weird awkward POV in the middle of the story. Sorry its weird.)

Frank opens and unlocks his phone as he goes to his contacts as one of the only numbers in there is 'Karen Page' He clicks on it. It begins to ring and immediately she answers "F-Frank?" He voice cracks and she sounds like she has been crying. "Frank please tell me you have her." She sobs out. "T-There was a disturbance near where I work a-and they found three people dead it has to be you please her name is (Y/N) a-and there was a noose as well as her stuff." She sounds like she is having trouble keeping it together. " I-Is (Y/N) with you? P-Please tell me she is." She says letting out another burst of tears. "Yeah Karen... I have her. She is resting but she isn't in good shape... I stitched her up but I don't know what the rest of her body looks like. I didn't want to check 'cause she's a kid." Karen lets out a small whimper. "Thank you Frank thank you... I will come and pick her up an-" She gets cut off. "No Karen you can't I will drive somewhere and you will meet me there. I know you want to get her now but we don't know if there are more people out there. It could possibly be to dangerous for the both of you." He says peeking back into the  living room. "Thank you Frank... Where should we meet?" She asks seemingly calmed down. "A parking garage near the '50 Street Subway'. You know where that is?" Frank asks. "Yeah, I will meet you there. Goodbye Frank..." She says pausing before hanging up. He sends her a text saying '20 minutes.' He then walks to his room and ruffles through the clothes he has before pulling out a zipper hoodie and walking back out to the living room. "(Y/N)... Kid wake up" He says as he nudges her shoulder which she wakes up with a cry of fear and launching herself to sit up right causing her to cry out in pain. "Kid its me... I'm going to take you home." She has tears in her eyes and nods. "Put this on and put the hood up. We can't have people seeing you." (Y/N) nods and tries her best to fit her arms through the holes of the jacket letting out whimpers and groans of pain. Frank puts his own hoodie on and leans down  " I am going to pick you up alright?" Frank asks and she nods. As he picks her up she pulls the hood over her head. Frank walks down the stair well to the alley way where he keeps his van. It is well past midnight and (Y/N) looks exhausted as he places her in the front seat of the van and puts her seat belt on. She falls asleep as the van begins to start.

20 minutes on the dot he pulls in the the parking garage and he sees Karen's car as he pulls in. She immediately gets out of her car as he pulls up next to her with a parking space between them. Frank gets out of his van and Karen immediately hugs him before going to the passenger side of the van and tears are brought to her eyes once again that night. "Thank you Frank." She says wiping her eyes. She moves out of the way as Frank opens the door and undoes (Y/N)s seat belt gently taking her out and walking over to the back passenger side of Karens car as she opens the door and he lays her inside. He shuts the car door and looks at her then turns to Karen. "I... I am going to keep an eye on her for a bit. Until I get the rest of the people that those three are associated with." Karen nods as she just stares at (Y/N). "I don't know how I can thank you Frank... But thank you." 

( I am really enjoying this story so far and I have big plans for it hopefully it wont get confusing haha)

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