Sweetpea Where are you?

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Karen, Matt and Foggy set out on their journey to go to Josie's. Not to celebrate but to relax and maybe debate on their recent client. They didn't take his case Matt knew he was from a small gang that has been causing havoc but they do it in the most gruesome ways. He has put some in the system but this one specifically came to  'Nelson and Murdock' Which makes him uneasy. They arrive at Josie's as Matt wraps his walking stick in the elastic band that is at the top of the cane. The three of them walk in and go to their usual spot in the back to play pool while foggy went back and got their drinks making sure to give a wink to Josie herself only for her to let out a grunt of disgust and say. "You still owe me..." Foggy just gives a nervous laugh and says "You are really funny Josie!" and quickly scurries back to his corner of the room as Matt and Karen are laughing at him and take their drinks one at a time. "So Matt that client was really something huh?" Karen says " He doesn't look like a man who wakes up on the right side of the bed." Matt nods as he picks up the pool stick and leans over to aim with it. "Yeah... He didn't seem right." Foggy says and then continues with "But hey we didn't take the case so it is out of our hair." Foggy says and Karen nods while Matt hits the cue ball into the middle of the triangle perfectly scattering all the balls evenly. "Something wasn't right with him..." Karen says rubbing her collar bone as she holds her bag close to her on her shoulder. "Relax Karen everything is fine" Foggy says carrying out the 'E' at the end as he takes a sip of his beer. Matt picks up his beer from the side of the pool table and takes a sip. "Lets just enjoy ourselves tonight" Matt says raising his bottle slightly and Fog and Karen clink their bottles together. "C-Cheers guys." Karen says as she stands to the side watching them play. 

They are now well into their third beer and in the second go around of playing pool "Hey Fog?" Matt asks "Sup Matt?" He responds "Can you text (Y/N) for me? Let her know we are here so she wont get worried? I completely forgot." Foggy nods and does just that. After a few minutes Foggy sighs. "What is it fog is something wrong?" Matt says suddenly acting panicked. "Everything is fine she just left me on 'Seen' Which is unlike her... Especially to me because like I am her favorite uncle!" Foggy exclaims. " You are her only uncle, Foggy... Maybe she is upset or something..." Karen responds who seems to have calmed down a bit more since they have got here. "Shit I forgot I was suppose to have dinner with her! I had to get to work after church and she sounded disappointed... She must be really upset. I have to go." Matt says quickly putting on his suit jacket, tightening his tie, and unraveling his cane as he put the pool stick down. "We will come with you. Its better to explain why we were here in the first place." Karen says picking up her purse and holding it tightly on her shoulder. "What is a better explanation then 'Hey (Y/N) I am sorry I missed dinner I forgot.' There is no other explanation." Foggy says as he puts the balls into the triangle and meets up with the group at the front of the bar as he shoots finger guns at Josie. "Lets just hurry I am worried about her..." Karen says as she walks out of the bar with Matt and Foggy following immediately behind.

As they enter the apartment Matt instantly notices that (Y/N)s heartbeat is not present. His hair on the back of his neck is immediately on ends. "(Y/N)? Where are you?" Matt says moving past Karen and Foggy. The tone in Matt's voice puts them both on edge as they move further into the apartment. Karen notices that there are dishes in the sink. " Is she sleeping?" She asks but Matt is already heading to his daughters bedroom. "She isn't here!" He shouts into the living room. Foggy checks the bathroom and sighs. "She isn't in here either. Where could she be?" Foggy asks. There is a sudden ding on Fogs phone. "That's probably her see nothing to worry about..." He opens up his phone and looks at his text app to see a text from an unknown number. Foggy's eyebrows furrow and Matt notices his heart beat picks up. "Guys come look at this... Its a video with a message. 'We waiting' is what it says... Whoever this is has no idea what sentence structure is." Foggy says trying to make light of the situation. Matt stays where he is next to the coffee table and lost in thought as Karen comes up next to Foggy. He clicks on the video and is immediately met with the sound of (Y/N)s whimper. Matthews head snaps in the phones direction. Karen covers her mouth as she says  in a small whisper. "Oh my god..." Tears immediately comes to her eyes. Foggy and Karen look horrified. They see as (Y/N) is kicked in the chest and Foggy pauses the video. "Holy shit Matt! What the fuck is this?" Foggy says as he places his arms over his head running them through his hair. Karen is crying "O-Oh god." She says covering her mouth. Matt is just silent but you can feel the rage coming over him. "Is that all the video?" He asks and Foggy shakes his head and says. "N-No there is still a minute left." "Play the rest." Matt demands in which Foggy responds with "Matt I can't watch thi-" "Play the video Nelson!" Matt says raising his voice, venom behind his words. Foggy nods and presses play on the video. "No no no no please!" The three hear her say and Karen lets out a cry and  walks away from Foggy placing the palms of her hands on her eyes which starts collecting the tear as she moves her hands to her hair gripping her hair painfully as they all hear you choke and gasp for breath. Matt is standing next to the coffee table as he hears something that makes his blood run cold but boil at the same time. "Look at the camera sweetpea!" Those words echo in his head as he reaches down and flips the coffee table with a the most pained and angry yell someone has ever heard. "Where is that?!" He yells " I don-" "Where did it come from?!" Matt shouts again. "I don't know Matt!!" Foggy shouts back at him. Karen is crying as she doesn't seem to have the strength to stand up as she lowers herself to the floor letting out a sob. "W-we need to find her!" Foggy says seemingly out of breath as tears are falling from his eyes as well.

Matt wants to cry. He wants to scream out to his little girl to where ever she is and hope she is safe. He is going to find those men. He is going to find them and kill them. He is going to find them and make their last moments so painful. All they will know and what will be coming from their mouths is them begging for forgiveness. He is going to find (Y/N). He is going to find his sweetpea. They are going to pay...

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