Squad Goals?

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                  After the call with your friend Jenifer you began getting ready. You put on a short sleeved striped shirt with a cute (F/C) (F/A) on it then you put on some  skinny jeans with a matching color. You do your hair up in a messy bun then putting some flip flops and then finally topping it off with some of your favorite jewelry pieces that would look nice with the outfit. You grab your phone off from your bed then look at the full length mirror in your room looking yourself up and down and you may or may not have done a few poses.

                 "Hey dad!" you shout from your room as you walk out of your room while looking at your phone. "Yeah sweetpea?" he says "looking" up at you. "I'm going to head out now. We are meeting at our street corner then we might walk around a bit." You smile at him as you look only for it to turn into a frown. 'Of course he is working... He never takes breaks.' You think looking down at the computer along with the case files and the translating pad (I don't know what its called) from the computer to his fingertips. "Alright you be safe now okay? Call and update me on where you are and I promise we will go out to eat when you get back." He says as a smile graces his features. "Yeah see you then..." You says quietly as you walk over to the door. "1:30?" You ask. "1:30." He answers back with a firm tone, not to you but seemingly to himself to remember that he needs to be present at that time.

          Walking down the stairs of the apartment building you were in you hum to yourself. 'I wonder if Abigail decided to hang out with us. It has been a while since all three of us hung out together.' You thought as your feet carried you to the corner street of where your meet up was scheduled. After a few minutes you hear your name being called. "(Y/N)!" You hear both Jenifer and Abigail  call in unison. You wave back and run up to them. "Hey guys! So whats the plan stan?" You ask. "Well I was thinking we could walk around for a bit." Jenifer says. "Oh! and we can go to that alley way we found a few days ago. You know the ones with all the graffiti?" Abigail adds. "And oh my god I wonder if we will see that hot guy again!" Abigail starts bouncing up and down and grabs both Jenifer and your arm and starts speed walking. "Wasn't he high when we saw him? He has to be high with the type of art work he is making." Jenifer laughs. "Probably but who cares!" Abigail says. "I just want to look at the graffiti." You smile. "Yeah I guess... But if he is there its a big bonus!" Abigail says happily.

             After about a 10 minute walk all three of you arrive at the entrance of the alley way which is in between a diner and a small thrift store. There is an array of colors like pink, blue, white, and many more. There is bubble letters that spelled words that you couldn't read. There was the occasional 'I LUV POT' or some peace signs. There was garbage all over the place and two huge green and rusty dumpsters at the end which was also covered in graffiti. Abigail sighs. "Darn he isn't here." She pouts. "Is that the only reason why you wanted to hang out with us?" Jenifer asks in a teasing tone. "N-no! I was just wondering..." Abigail says the pout still present on her lips. "Guys we are only 14 and 15 and we just got into high school. We shouldn't be focused  on guys anyway. Now lets look around! The first one to fine a pink shape wins!" You say running down the alley way.

              The three of you spend about ten minutes each on finding shapes. All of you have known each other since diapers and this is one of the many games you guys play. "We are such losers for playing these games" Jenifer laughs. "We are the best losers then! No one can compare to us!" You shout then sigh. "Come on I want to go stare at the water and it might take us maybe 20 minutes to get there." You say. "Did any of you bring money? Maybe we can call a cab and make it there in minutes." Jenifer asks. Abigail pats her pockets down. "Nope I'm broke." She says chuckling nervously. "Same here I got nothing." You say shaking your head. "Come on I'm sure your lawyer of a dad has to give you some money! He's a lawyer!" Abigail says. "He is self employed and I don't need money really so I never ask." You shrug. "He already has you doing all the chores in the house pretty much, the least he can do is give you some money." Abigail grumbles. "Hey! I don't do all the chores and my father is a hard working man! If I can help him I will!" You say starting to get irritated. "Doesn't he leave you alone all the time though?" Jenifer asks. "Not all the time!" You let out a slight growl. "When did this become all about me all of the sudden! Can't we just get going!" You say raising your voice. "Alright fine! Jeez we are just worried about you (Y/N)." Jenifer reasons. "Well lets quit worrying and get going..." You mumble as you walk out of the alley way looking down at the ground only to bump into someone as hot coffee spills onto both of you. The man lets out a grunt and grumbles. "I-I am so sorry sir I didn't mean to spill your coffee!" You look up at the man who has a grey hoodie that is now wet and a dark brown spot that had formed then going up to his face that has an assortment of bruises that he was obviously trying to hide under his cap. "'s fine." He grumbles. "I am so-" You were cut off by Abigail who grabs your wrist and starts tugging on it "(Y/N) lets go! He seems sketchy!" She whispers harshly. "Don't say that! That could make him upset!" You hiss but when you look back he is gone. "Great he is gone! You probably hurt his feelings!" You say. "You need to quit being so naive! Not every person you bump into on the street will be a nice guy! Listen to your gut feeling!" Abigail says her anger slowly rising. You respond with the same rising anger "My gut feeling said he isn't dangerous! My dad says I have good intuition and can tell if someone is bad or not! He didn't seem bad!" Jenifer intervenes "Okay hey! Calm down this is suppose to be fun... I think you guys need some time away from each other so lets just call it a day alright?" She says and both of you sigh and nod. "I need to change anyway..." You mumble looking down at your now soaked shirt. Jenifer nods. "Do you want us to walk you home?" She asks and you shake your head. "No I'm okay... See you later." you take a few steps backwards then turn on your heels and head back home.

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