Chapter 17

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You have been staying at Karen's place for a two days so far. She offered her bed since it was a one bedroom apartment but you decided you were fine with the couch. You feel someone gently shaking you awake. "Hun? It's time to wake up." You look up at Karen for a minute trying to gain your thoughts and surroundings, "Karen?" She nods. "What is it?" You ask sitting up slowly. "I know you don't want to go home but I need to do something at work and I can't leave you alone." She says sadly. "Can I please stay?" You mumble under your breath. Karen pauses for a moment. "Hold on..." She walks into the kitchen area taking out her phone and making a phone call. You begin to fold your blanket putting it over the back of the couch and sit down waiting for her to return. Karen comes back and lowers herself to your level. "(Y/N)? Frank says he can watch you. I didn't tell him about your situation but you know he will ask questions when he sees you." She says cupping the side of your cheek. "Don't worry about it Hun. He will be here in a few minutes." You nod. "Can I take a shower?" You ask and she nods and you take your bag into her bathroom. You strip down and look at yourself. You never thought that you would see yourself bruised again but here you are. You have a big bandage on your nose and one on your lip. The bruises have settled in having a hand shape on your neck and on one of your eyes.  You sigh and step into the bathroom and begin washing up.

Frank walks into the apartment. "Hey Karen. You were vague on the phone." He says being straight to the point. Karen sighs and sits on the couch and he sits next to her. "(Y/N) is under a lot of stress right now. Now don't freak out when you see her it is her story to tell." Franks eyes flash with concern. He waits for a follow up to that statement but nothing comes and he just sighs. Despite what he tells himself he has grown attached to you in a way he hasn't felt in a long time. The familial feeling is nice but his fear gets the best of him but the tone in Karen's voice when she talked about you has him on edge. There is a sudden crash from the bathroom which almost has Frank on his feet but then your voice from inside shouts. "Sorry! I dropped the shampoo!" He sighs in relief and Karen smirks. "What?" Frank asks. "What?" Karen responds. "What are you looking at me like that for?" Frank grunts and frown. "You feel the need to protect her and I find that sweet." She smiles and Frank only scoffs. "You aren't denying it~" Karen teases. "Shut up it should be natural instinct to be concerned for a child..." Karen only giggles and Frank looks at her for a moment taking in her face. The door opens to the bathroom and you step out wear a pair of (F/C) baggy pants as well as a T-Shirt followed by your favorite shoes. Franks face stays stoic while on the inside he is boiling. This is the second time he has seen you hurt and he is disturbed by the fact that some people out there do this on a regular basis. Despite that he stands up and grabs the guitar case. "Come on kid lets get going." He looks back at Karen and says "See you in a bit Kare." Karen smiles and nods before walking up to you and hugging you and kissing the top of your head. "I will see you soon okay?" You nod and start heading toward the exit with Frank following.

As you are walking down the streets of Hell's Kitchen you can feel eyes on you. Frank is next to you sporting his usual hoodie and baseball cap . "Where are we heading?" You made sure to leave out his name for any ears that may be listening. "I can feel your anxiety from here kid so we are heading to my place. You have been there before if you remember." He says lowly as to not cause attention. You nod "As long as you don't make those awful ham sandwiches we're good." You say with a laugh as you head into the apartment building. You find yourself standing at the door of his apartment. "Are you gonna practice or not?" Frank asks and you quickly step inside. "Can I take off my shoes?" Frank nods and you do so and set them beside the door. Frank is already sitting in the living room tuning the guitar. You sit next to him and he hands it to you. "Now play 'C' , 'D' , 'E' , and 'F' for me" Frank says and watches you.  You begin to play those chords and smirk as you begin to play them fluidly. "That's good now add 'G' between 'C' and 'D'. You nod and begin doing that. You feel his eyes wonder your face and you sigh setting the guitar down beside you and  moving into a criss cross applesauce position. " You are very obvious you know..." You grumble and Frank chuckles. "That's the point kid now tell me whose ass I need to kick." He grunt. You turn your head down to your lap looking at your nails. "I wouldn't let you kick his ass any way Frank. It was an accident." Frank scoffs "Yeah right." "Its the truth! My dad is blind and for some reason his hearing went out." You cry out. "It was a fight or flight response and I don't blame him..." You say your voice slowly trickling down into nothing. 

"Then why are you sleeping at Karens house?" Frank asks in a less aggressive tone. "I guess I am just scared..." You mumble. "What are you scared of?" He asks and you shrug. "He already treated me different from the last time I got attacked and you saved me." You sigh and look at Frank. "This time he is the one who attacked me and I don't want him to get distant. I barely see him as it is at least when I had crutches he spent more time at home and now..." Your eyes begin to blur with tears. "He won't want to spend time with me either." You wipe your eyes and look away. The glimpse of what you saw on Franks face looked like sadness with a mix of something else that you can't think of. "Well... My dad was around for a bit but he was always a honest and very blunt man." Frank starts. "He was never one for small talk he wanted to get straight to the point." Frank says bringing his hand down on his palm causing a loud clap to echo in the air. "Anyway what I am trying to say is you need to talk with your dad and tell him what is bothering you." Frank says. You nod "I know I just get nervous... What if he doesn't want me around anymore?" You ask looking up at him again. "Then he doesn't want you around and he is a shit dad if he abandons you for something that is his fault." Your eyes widen at his words. "But it-" "No it isn't your fault. You tried to help and he reacted in the worst way possible." Frank says giving you a hard stare. You sigh in defeat. "Okay..." Frank tosses you the remote from his side of the couch. "Put a movie on or something I got work to do." He says standing up and walking to the kitchen table that had police scanners and papers with pictures scattered around. You chose not to question and argue so you put on (Y/F/M).

(Hello Everyone!
I would like to say that I am working on this story slowly but surely. I wanted to give you a chapter so I hope you enjoy for what it is worth. I feel like the ending is right around the corner! I hope you all have a lovely day!
                                                                  -Hannah-Henry )

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