"Uhh, this is where everything gets a little trickier"New Zealand said

"What do you mean?"Canada said

"It's a frozen mice..."America said

"Well I'm trained so I don't need to be scared of that rat or snake."New Zealand said and walked away

"Then you should feed him with that rat!"America said

"Why me always?! You twins should be responsible for that cause australia told you guys are responsible for that snake?!"New Zealand said

"W-what?!"Canada said shocked

"Awww so cute.... I wanna take a picture of you with that snake"Phil said once she saw the snake rapping around Canada's leg

"Bro... you better have some guts for that snake. *laughs*"America teased

"What do you mean?! Philippines,, please help me get away with this rattle snake"Canada said

"Hooray..."Phil said awkwardly

"Yikes..."New Zealand said once they saw ame and Canada arguing

"*sighs* 🎶 go away... please shoo🎵just go to your papa then we'll be free🎶please please please please.... please......"Canada said singing

"Tch... fine just stand back...."New Zealand said and decided to wear Gloves to feed the snake

"Wait New Zealand. Are you sure about that?"America said and gulped

"Yeah I'm fine.."New Zealand said and just gave the mouse to the snake

"......"Everyone said and looked at New Zealand as New Zealand fed the snake smoothly

"...."Everyone said string at him. speechless

"Wow that's amazing New Zealand! Well to be honest you are the only one who done this hard work... even America and Canada were the one being told by Australia.."Phil said and cheered exhausted but calmly

"W-what do you mean?! We also did some hard work alright?! You see that I brought you guys here at my house?!"America said

"Hey.... this is UK and France's house remember they took care of us here.."Canada said

"Okay, we all need to do is keep this snake safe and sound right? Then we should give some effort. But please don't think it like it's hell.."Phil said

"It's already hell for me.. Aussie said that if I didn't took care of this properly then he will put some venemous spiders in my room seeking.."America said

"Oh boy.. it's just a tarantula"New Zealand said

"Let's take a seat shall we?"Canada said and everyone took a sit on the couch


"Hey New York.. What do you mean visitors you say?"A state said

"Eh don't worry you'll see."New York said

"Oh you're here, come take a look here"America said

It turns out some teenagers came.

"So that's what New York's been telling me, so I'll introduce myself, I am Washington D.C. the capital of America, please consider to call me Weston."The state said and introduce himself as he talks innocently

"Hi Weston, I'm Philippines, call me Philia for short, it is a pleasure to meet you"Phil said and gave a smile

"Hmm, I feel bored.. let's play Weston!"New York said and drag Weston to the upstairs

"W-Wait. Don't be too excited alright..."Weston said

"*sighs* don't worry they still little kids..."America said

"Hold on. Where is Oliver?"Canada said

"New York stole my glasses again... *sighs* she still won't take it seriously.."Another state said and came

"Oh Oliver, you're just right on time."Canada said

"Okay well who's the person sitting with you guys?"The state asked

"That's a friend of mine, just introduce yourself"Canada said

"Oliver. New York hid your other glasses"Then another state came

"You came at last."New Zealand said and smiled

"I'll introduce myself for the best, Hi my name is Ottawa, the capital of Canada but please call me Oliver"The state said and introduce himself

"And hi my name wellington, the capital of New Zealand, please call me William"The other state introduced himself

"Hi William and Oliver, my name is Philippines, call me Philia for short"Phil said and also introduce herself

"Okay guys you can play now,"New Zealand said as the states listened to his words and walked away

"W-Wait. I'm a little bit confused."Phil said

"What's the matter?"Ame asked

"If the girl is New York then, she's the one that drove us here?!"Phil stated in confusion

"Calm down, they are different person exactly, they are siblings, sharing the same state"America said and explained

"Oh okay, they really look alike"Phil said

*knock knock*

"I'll got get it,"New Zealand said and opened the door

"Hey guys, I'm back, I heard that principal hates snake so he sent you here"Australia said

"Aus, you're back"New Zealand said

"Oh did I take too long? Oh philippines, you're here, I'm glad to see you again."Australia said

"Hi Australia! Nice to see you here"Phil said

"Okay, How was the babysitting?"Australia said with dark aura surrounding him

"It was great actually"America and Canada sweat dropped

"Okay! I'll drive you guys back as a return"Australia said

"Okay."They all said in chorus

"So come on"Australia said and everyone followed him to the car


"We're back!"America said

"Thanks aus"Phil said

"No problem,"Australia said

"Well I should head back now,"Phil said

"Okay, be safe!"They said and they waved at her goodbye as she was walking her way to the dorm

[Philippine's POV]

"God I'm here now and phew, it's like an adventure, and well fun I could say"I said

"Phil!"Belarus said and immediately hug me once I opened the door

"Hi guys I'm back"I said

"Oh hi! You're back now"Vietnam said

"Yeah,"I said, woah, that wasn't even terrifying...

Well it went gloomy so we had dinner then after that I decided to take a rest..

[End of chapter]

{sorry guys, I accidentally deleted this chapter...}

{well guys for a safety tip, please stay home and always wash your hands, and most importantly... Be safe!}

•Fun facts:

•Australia was on a Country leader training so they think if he took care of his pets properly then he'll do the same to his people

•France and UK aren't ame, New Zealand, Canada and Australia's parents.


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