Chapter 18 • Anna/Elsa

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The sun is barely above the horizon when the bedroom door opens quietly.

"Psst...Anna," Elsa whispers. I sit up slowly, trying not to wake Kristoff. I walk over to the door and rub my face, trying to wake myself up.

"What do you want? Why are you in here so early?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk, before Kristoff and Honeymaren wake up. Speaking of, you know you're not supposed to be in the same bed as him like this. You know how I feel about that," she says.

"Elsa, stop!" I snap, almost too loudly.

"Anna are you okay?" Kristoff asks, his voice raspy and sleepy.

"I'm fine. I'm coming back to bed," I say, glaring at Elsa.

"Wait-" Elsa starts; but I shut the door in her face. I walk back over to the bed and climb back under the covers trembling, both from the cold and my near-argument with Elsa. I scoot over into Kristoff's arms and he runs his fingers through my hair.

"What did she want?" He asks quietly.

"She wanted to talk. But I didn't. That's all," I say. I press closer to Kristoff, letting the heat from his body warm me up. I look up at him and his lips gently graze mine.

"I love you so much," he whispers. I feel a smile creep onto my face.

"I love you too Kristoff," I say back. I press my lips to his and kiss him deeply. We kiss a few times and then I lay back down on my back, staring at the roof of the canopy bed. I hear Kristoff snoring beside me again and I slowly climb out of bed and go over to my closet. Luckily, my closet is practically an entirely separate room so I can sneak in and pack a bag without disturbing him.

I reach into a cabinet and pull out a large travel satchel that I used to use when we'd go to the mountains as a kid. I throw in underwear, a couple of skirts and their matching tops, some socks, and a spare cloak. I get dressed up in some warm clothes and slip on some of my snow boots. I throw my satchel over my shoulder and sneak out of my room. I look at Kristoff one last time and sigh.

"I love you," I whisper as I shut the door. I walk quietly down the hallway and out into the stables. The cold air hits me like knives and takes my breath away. I slip my gloves on and go to the stall where my horse is and put the saddle on her.

"Good girl," I whisper, feeding her a snack as I get ready to go. She whinnies quietly and eats. Once the saddle is on her I attach my bag to it. These things were made to be able to attach to the saddle. I climb onto a nearby stool and throw my leg over her and guide her out of the stable and through town quietly. I'm already shivering. But I can't turn back.

Elsa's POV:

"Anna, are you awake? I want to talk about earlier...I'm sorry," I say softly, holding my cloak around my body.

"She isn't in here," Kristoff says, opening the door.

"Well then where is she?" I ask.

"I don't know." Kristoff shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm serious. I need to talk to her," I say.

"And I'm serious when I say I don't know where she is," Kristoff snaps, turning away from me and walking into the bedroom again.

"Well help me look for her, please!" I say and run out of the room. I wander the halls of the palace, shouting Anna's name. Honeymaren joins me, searching the upper floors, while Kristoff searches the lower floors and the cellars. I emerge through the front doors and walk to the stables.

"Honeymaren! Kristoff!" I scream. After a minute, both of them show up behind me.

"What is it?" Honeymaren asks.

"Anna's horse is gone! She must've left early this morning after we all fell back asleep!" I say. My heart rate picks up with fear and anxiety. I start pacing back and forth.

"Where could she have gone? What if she's hurt or lost?" I say. It's freezing outside but I'm sweating and fanning myself.

"Maybe she just went into town. Let's go out and look for her thoroughly before we panic. Okay?" Honeymaren says. She puts her hands on my arms and I swear I feel sparks where her fingers meet my body.

"Okay..." I say, letting out a deep breath. The three of us go back inside and get into some warm clothes. I grab a small satchel and fill it full of Anna's favorite chocolates and a couple of other little gifts. It's all my fault. She probably left after our fight.

"Ready?" Honeymaren asks from the doorway.

"It's my fault. It's my fault Anna is gone. I tried to talk to her this morning. And she shut me down and slammed the door in my face. I really messed up, Honey," I say, sighing and putting my face in my hands, resting my elbows on my desk.

"You and Anna just need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart. Get all of your feelings out in the open and try to understand each other. It isn't your fault. Both of you just freaked out. And you didn't mess anything up. Mistakes happen. But we're going to fix this," Honeymaren says, pulling a chair up to my side. I lift my head and look at her.

"Thank you," I say softly. She smiles at me puts her arms around me. After a moment of hesitation, I hug her back. I like having her close to me.

"Are you guys ready?" Kristoff asked impatiently from the doorway.

"Yep," I say, pulling away from Honey and swiping at my eyes.

"Alright. Then let's get going," he says, leading the way out the door to begin our search for Anna.

(A/N): hey guys so I've been absent for a while and I'm sorry! I lost my writing motivation for a bit and then went off the grid for a few days so I couldn't update. This chapter sucks but I promise I'm going to try to write more now!

Frozen Heart (Kristanna & Elsamaren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang