Chapter 14 • Anna/Elsa/Anna

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Anna's POV:

Kristoff holds me tight. I remember that the tidal wave is going to wash away the fjord, including Arendelle. I start gasping for air between sobs and hold on to Kristoff for dear life, trying to find something to ground me and remind me I have a reason to live.

Elsa's POV:

I'm falling. I don't know from where to where. Just that I land in the water, and it hits me like knives. The cold takes any air I had out of my lungs and I immediately feel like I'm drowning. I begin kicking for the surface desperately. I see the water horse swimming towards me and kick harder, thinking it's going to try and hurt me again. But instead, it pulls me on its back and begins swimming fast. When we break the surface and it starts running, I see we're on top of a huge tidal wave. And as we come around the corner of the cliff, I see our kingdom.

"Let's go!" I say to the horse. Somehow, it starts running faster than before and we get ahead of the wave. It turns me around and stands on its back legs and I throw my arms up, creating a huge wall of ice that blocks the water just before it hits the palace. Once the water has finished hitting the wall and has pooled up, the horse slams its front legs back down and I throw my own arms down. The wall turns into tiny ice crystals and the water from the wave simply turns into dew drops that disappear into the surrounding atmosphere. I turn to the cliffs, where the citizens of Arendelle are crying and cheering. I watch as the flags on the castle begin blowing in the breeze again and I catch a glimpse of the streets returning to normal. The lanterns all light back up, having regained their flames. Pabbie gives me a nod and the horse and I take off again, heading back for the forest.

Anna's POV:

Kristoff pulls me to my feet and we climb down to level ground, where crowds of Northuldra people are excitedly making their way to the entrance of the forest. He puts his arm around me as we join the crowd, and I reach my other hand up to put over his, my right hand holding onto my satchel.

"Kristoff...I'm sorry I left you. I just...I needed to find my sister..." I choke.

"It's okay, Anna. It's okay," he says softly. He puts his other arm around me and holds me against him. I bury my face in his chest and start crying again.

"She's dead Kristoff...she's gone..." I cry. I feel his grip tighten on me and I hold onto him tighter too. He doesn't respond. How could he? There's nothing to say. She's dead. What else is there to add?

"Look at the sky!" Honeymaren's brother, Ryder says. A bunch of the reindeer then take off running and start running in a giant circle excitedly. They're finally free. But me, I'm trapped again. In this darkness. This feeling of loneliness and emptiness. I feel like my soul died in this forest, and only my body is leaving. But leaving to where, I don't know. My home is gone.

"C'mon Anna. Let's get out of here," Kristoff says softly.

"And go where? Arendelle is gone..." I cry.

"You're more than welcome to stay with us," Yelena says.

"Thank you, but I can't. I can't stay in this forest. My sister died'll be too hard..." I say with a whimper.

"Wait, your sister, she died?" Honeymaren asks. I nod and my face contorts back to my ugly crying and and I turn to Kristoff again. It's embarrassing for people to see me this broken; even Kristoff. But I head Honeymaren whimper a little bit and I turn my head just enough to peek at her. Her face has a couple of subtle tears running down it.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," she says, putting her hand on my shoulder. I want to say something so badly. To comfort her or something. But I can't comfort her on something that no one can even comfort me on. What little joy I have left in the world is right here in Kristoff's arms. Sven comes up to us and nudges Kristoff's arm with his head.

"Anna, we can go stay in my cabin with the trolls if you want to," Kristoff says. I nod gently and pull away from him.

"But first I wanna go see...see if there's anything left of Arendelle...maybe some of the houses higher up in the hills survived..." I choke.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"I have to see...that's my kingdom, Kristoff."

He gives me an unsure look and then lets out a sigh before nodding and giving in. He jumps on Sven's back and I give Yelena and Honeymaren quick hugs before taking his hand. He helps me up in front of him and I lean back against his chest as Sven starts walking. Of course he wouldn't run. There's no rush to be anywhere. I squeeze my eyes shut and more tears fall down my face. Since Sven is moving so slow, Kristoff lets go of his grip on his collar and puts both of his arms around my waist. I rest my hands on top of his and lean back as close to him as I can.

"I can't...I can't lose you Kristoff..." I say. My throat is closed up, trying to hold back yet another round of hiccuping sobs.

"I'm not going anywhere Anna. I promise," he says. Then he reaches his hand around back onto Sven's collar.

"C'mon buddy!" He says. Sven takes off running and it takes a surprisingly small amount of time before we're back to Arendelle. And the sight makes us come to a complete stop. I almost fall right to the ground.

"Kristoff...Arendelle is still standing!"

" is that possible?"

"Let's go!" I say. Once again we take off running, into the kingdom that somehow, still stands.

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