Chapter 13 • Anna

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I'm walking through the forest, holding my cape around my body to stay warm as best as I can. Then I come across a small pile of snow, decorated in little purple flowers. Sitting atop the snow is three black buttons, a bright orange carrot, and three little twigs. On either side is two sticks, each with four little branches coming from the end.

"Olaf?" I gasp, sinking to my knees. Suddenly I realize that he didn't melt, he simply disappeared. Which means something is wrong. With him and Elsa.

" this isn't possible..." I whisper to myself, feeling my eyes well up. I pick up the sticks, buttons, and his nose and put them in my satchel. Then the breeze begins to pick up and I have to shield myself.

"King Runeard the dam is hurting the forest!" An echoing voice says. I look up when the wind has stopped and see an ice statue in front of me, much like the one that showed mother saving father. But this one...this one is different. Grandfather is slaughtering a Northuldra man, and he isn't even wielding a weapon. And suddenly, I know what has to be done to free the forest. I sink down against a tree and hug my satchel to my body, letting the tears fall.

"Elsa!" I scream, letting the sobs control my body. I curl up on the ground, still holding my by close to my body. A part of me is hoping maybe I'll freeze to death laying here. But death isn't an option. At least, not yet. But my body is already stiff and numb from the cold. I need to get moving. I push myself to my feet slowly, using the tree as a support. I begin to walk in the direction of the river, blowing warm air on my hands to try and regain feeling in my fingers. I break through a clearing in the trees and see three of the earth giants sleeping in the water, resting against the cliff on the other side.

"Wake up!" I scream. I flinch backwards, thinking they're going to move, and they don't.

"Wake up!" I scream twice as loud. One begins to stir, and when he looks at me, he instantly begins to get up. He trips and lands on another one, who throws him back. But then the other two notice me.

"That's it, come and get me! Come on!" I scream. I take off running into the woods. I can tell they have all risen and are standing because their shadows have blocked the sun. I wave my arms frantically to make sure I've still got their attention. One of them screams. The strength of it shakes the ground and makes all of the trees bend and sends me flying to the ground. I quickly push myself back up. The adrenaline in my body has warmed me right up. I keep running, being bounced off my feet every time one of them takes a step. Luckily I don't fall again. Before I know it's coming, a boulder lands in front of me on the ground, tossing the dirt in every direction.

"That'll work...THIS WAY GUYS!" I say, waving my arms around again. They continue to pursue me and I run as fast as my legs will let me. Being in heels doesn't make it easier, either. I'm running surprisingly fast, so I keep having to slow down and letting them catch up. What a mistake that was. I start running again and still, I get bounced off the ground as I'm running. Only this time, I don't land back on my feet. I begin scrambling to get back to my feet and as the earth giant's foot raises over me, I say a quick goodbye. No one is there to hear it. But I said it. But right as the foot begins to descend on me I'm swept off the ground, into someone's arms.

"Kristoff!" I gasp.

"I'm here Anna. What do you need?" He asks, holding onto my tight. I grip his shirt for dear life.

"To get to the dam..." I say.

"You got it!" He says. Sven keeps running and Kristoff moves me in front of him, keeping one arm around my torso to hold me up. I want to collapse; to cry and give up. But it's too soon. Kristoff runs me to the edge of the rocks and hoists me up so I can get on top of the dam.

"We'll meet you around!" Kristoff yells. I balance myself once I'm on my feet and take off running on the bridge atop the dam.

"Hey! Over here!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The earth giants turn and look at me and one of them screams again in anger.

"That's it! Throw your boulders! Come on and destroy the dam!" I shout. All three of them scoop up boulders at the same time and throw them. One lands on either side of me and I know I'm going to die, because I have no escape path. Another boulder strikes the structure itself and I feel the dam begin to crumble, so I do the only thing I can think of. I run and jump. It's a long shot, but it's better than drowning or being crushed by pieces of cement and stone. Luckily, a familiar strong pair of hands is there to catch me. Kristoff pulls me up and hugs me close against his chest as I start letting out choked sobs. But I see, out of the corner of my eye and through my blurred vision, the tidal wave pouring from the lake.

Hey, I don't usually do author's notes but I'd like to acknowledge why Mattias didn't make it into my story.

The way I wrote the chapters with the introduction of the Northuldra didn't quite allow for Mattias' character to be involved in the story line. And this chapter seemed kind of late to introduce him.

Don't get me wrong, Mattias is a great character, but it's simply the way I wrote my story that made it so his character wouldn't make sense.

Thanks for understanding, and of course I'm always open to feedback!

Love y'all! ❤️❤️❤️

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