Start from the beginning

Liz smiles brightly. "Cool name!"

"Oi!" A raspy voice yells out. Blaise looks towards the person and tilts her head when she sees a tall, slender woman standing in the doorway. She has golden blonde hair, grey eyes, a button nose, amazing cheekbones, and thin lips.

"Mummy!" Liz cheers. She grabs onto Blaise's hand and tugs her toward the front door. Saint follows after, a small smile on his face.

"Who's this?" The woman questions.

"My name's Blaise, Mrs. Donovan," Blaise introduces herself as politely as she can. Parents don't usually like her, so she's normally mean to them before they can be mean to her. But since Saint is such a sweetheart and he's found a place in her big heart, Blaise is willing to be nice to his mother.

"Why're you here?" She snaps.

Blaise narrows her eyes. Bitch.

"She's working on a project with me, mum. It's for Biology," Saint explains to his mother.

Her eyes soften when she turns over to her son. "How long will she have to stay here, hun?"

Instead of allowing Saint to answer, Blaise decides to. "If you don't want me here, Mrs. Donovan, Saint and I can just drive on over to my house to work on the project." She tilts her head to the side. "I wouldn't want you to feel intimidated in your own home."

See what I've been telling you? Blaise's instant reaction to most humans is to be rude. Although, Mrs. Donovan isn't exactly the most welcoming, so Blaise's response was justifiable. A little over the top— a bit too sassy, not enough classy— but she made her point without resulting to violence or name-calling so I'd call it a success.

Mrs. Donovan glares at Blaise before scoffing. She turns around and struts into her house, her chin held up high. Since she left the door open, Saint decides that Blaise and him can go into his living room to work on the project. Blaise doesn't comment on the amount of boxes lying around the house, just happy to be on the nice side of town for once. Apart from when she rarely eats at restaurants or goes to the pool in the summer, she's never on this side of town.

I used to be a part of the nice side. Now look at me; just happy to even step foot in one of these perfect, two-story houses.

"So babe, I remember you mentioning your father travels around a lot. What does he do and where is he now?" Blaise questions as they sit down on Saint's large, grey, L-shaped couch. Liz has gone up to her room to play with her toys, seeing as her older brother has a guest to entertain.

Saint, who should be used to the nickname by now, blushes slightly before answering. "My dad's a pilot, so he's probably flying over the Atlantic Ocean or something."

Blaise's eyes widen in surprise. "He's a pilot? So does that mean that you've been out of the country before?" Blaise bounces slightly in her seat. Saint's noticed how when she gets excited about something, she bounces and her round, dull green eyes become bright.

She's so cute when she gets like this. He thinks to himself.

Saint smirks. "I'm out of the country right now, technically," he answers.

Blaise furrows her eyebrows for a second before she realizes her mistake. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink and she starts to fiddle with her fingers, though she covers her embarrassment well with her posture and calm facial expression.

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