A Helping Hand

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Tears filled my mothers eyes

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Dad and Mom looked at one another.

My mom picked my sister up and gave her a hug.

"You, Luka, and Sophie are going to live with Grandpa Elian," Dad explained.

"Why?" I questioned.

"We're running out of money," Mom answered. What do you mean?

"We could barely pay for rent," Dad justified.

"Oh, I can get a job. We don't need to move," I clarified.

"You're fourteen, I'm not letting you get a job," Mom announced.

"What are you both going to do?" I wondered. I continued to blink away the tears.

"Well, mom and I are going to try to save money to give you guys a good home," Dad delineated.

"During that time you three will live with your grandpa," Dad justified.

"But, I want to live with you," Luka said.

"I know but you'll have your big sister with you," Dad stated.

"Once, we have enough money we'll live as a family again." I started to cry.

"Why are you crying," Dad worried.

"I'll miss you," I described. My dad gave me a big hug.

I woke up, fighting off tears. If only I didn't listen to my mom and got a job. We would still be together as a family. My father was my best friend, he always made me laugh and smile.

Now, he's gone and so is my mom. I haven't heard or seen them since. They could be dead and I wouldn't even know it.

What if they are homeless just like us? What if they are living in a huge house and just wanted to get rid of us? What if they stopped loving us? No, that's crazy! Our mother and father love us with all their hearts. They'd do anything for us!

The only thing I can do is try to think positive. Try to believe that Luka, Sophie, and I are loved by our parents; however if they did love us they would be raising us. I don't know what to believe. I just need to stop thinking about them.

What time is it? It's still dark outside! "Just go to bed," I thought. I closed my eyes. Tomorrow will be a good day... I hope. For a long time I've said the next day will be a good day but it hasn't been.

We've barely eaten, except for Luka and I don't know what to do. Should we just go back to our grandpa's house? Maybe, he'll forgive me. I'll have to raise Grandpa Elian; however it's a lot better than being homeless.

I could eat a full meal, Sophie can get a diaper change, and Luka can watch Toy Story. Everyone would get what they want so why not just go back? I went into the realm of sleep.


Sophie, Luka, and I woke up around the same time. Should I tell them? Should I tell them we're going back to Grandpa Elian's house? We stood up and walked around, in search of people.

Please, someone, anyone help us! Everyone we saw walked past and ignored us. How can people be so rude? I don't understand! Does anyone even care about us? Do we even matter?

I faked a smile and continued to beg for money. Feeling hopeless, we walked home. I should just give up! Who cares, no one! I'm tired of this same old life! I want, I crave a better life for the three of us.


"There's those kids we keep on seeing," Carter declared. For days we've seen a tall girl with two kids. It's obvious that she's under eighteen.

"Should we take them in?" I questioned. I'm sick of seeing them outside in the hot air with no conditioner  .

"For real?" Carter looked at me confused. I chuckled.


"What about the kids?" Carter wondered.

"The kids will be fine and it probably won't be for that long," I justified. Carter nodded. I smiled. I pulled into the old gas station that hasn't been open in years.


Great, just when this day couldn't get any worse a green SUV pulls in. They're probably going to say "This is private property! You can't stay here!"

A woman stepped out of the car. Her straight orange hair was in a high ponytail. She had on a long blue dress with brown sandals.

"Hi, are you guys homeless?" she asked. Who is this woman?! What does she want?!

"Who are you?!" I questioned. Luka squeezed my hand as I had Sophie in my arms.

"I'm Iris, I'm not here to hurt you," the woman introduced.

"Oh, okay," I said.

"Do you guys need a place to stay?" Iris wondered. Should we live with her? I have a good feeling towards Iris.

"For real?"

Iris giggled, "Yes."

"Come, we'll give you a helping hand," Iris chuckled. I smiled as we got into the SUV.

"We don't have a car seat but you guys should be fine," a man said. Iris got in the car and looked in the back seats at us.

"Are you ready?" Iris wondered. I helped buckle Sophie who was behind the passenger seat. Luka sat in the middle and was already buckled.

After buckling myself I responded, "Yes."

She smiled before driving off. "Do any of you need anything?"

"Sophie, needs diapers," I replied.

"Okay, we'll stop at the dollar store. We can buy you some clothes just for a couple of nights and anything else the three of you might need," Iris explained.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"You're very welcome." We went to Dollar General. I bought three pairs of shorts and three t-shirts. Luka got three outfits along with Sophie.

We also got a box of diapers, a hair brush, and hair stuff. I have no idea what is left in store for the three of us.

I'm grateful that we're out of the situation we were in. I'm thankful that Iris and whoever the other guy is came to our rescue but did I make the right decision by going with them?

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