Chapter 56: The First....

Start from the beginning

When Haechan laughed, Mark's stomach did a weird flip.

When Haechan succeeded in giving Mark a cheek kiss, Mark's heart would beat faster.

When Haechan would tell a joke, Mark would be so unbelievable proud about the fact that Haechan was his best friend.

When Haechan fell after hours of dance practice because he was too tired to continue dancing, Mark was immediately worried and went over to the younger.

When Haechan put his hair out of his face, which got always in his eyes during dancing, Mark stared longer than needed.

When Haechan fell asleep next to Mark, be it on the dance studio floor or the couch, Mark put the hair out of Haechan's eyes and secretly caressed Haechan's cheek.

And when Haechan sang, Mark never wanted to hear anything else. Just Haechan's angelic voice.

Mark knew something had changed. And that that wasn't good at all. It all felt not right but weird. Something happened and now he became aware of every thing, that happened between him and Haechan.

And Mark knew he was in trouble, when one night he dreamed of kissing Haechan.

It was a normal afternoon in December with dance practice.

Everything was just like any other day. The heavy breaths from all the exhausting practices, the footsteps of the dancing members and the music, which filled the room.

But then in one moment to another, Haechan was crying in pain.

The members surrounded him, looking if he was alright.

But nothing was alright.

Haechan had twisted his right leg and had fractured his shinbone.

The result were shocking news, not only for the members and Haechan himself but also for all the fans around the world: Haechan had to go in hiatus.

Haechan wouldn't only miss the year-end activities but also Mark's graduation.

Mark would leave Dream at the end of the year and Haechan couldn't be there.

Haechan tried to be enthusiastic. At least he already had could say goodbye to Mark during their "Dream Show."
It was a goodbye full of tears.

But they still had half a month left with Mark and Haechan couldn't spend it with him.

Sure, they would still be together in 127 and also live together.
But it was not the same.

Mark belonged to Dream. And without him it was just wrong.

Mark felt as bad as Haechan.

Sure, they lived in the 21st century.
They still could text, or call, even facetime each other, when they would want to see each other's faces.

But this was the first time they would be seperated from each other for such a long time since over 5 years.

And Mark didn't even like the thought of it.

Something bothered him so much about the fact that Haechan wouldn't be consistently at his side to cling at him and annoy him.
But Mark didn't knew what it was.

But he knew he would miss Haechan for sure.

Haechan was at his locker at the dance studio.

He wanted to get his stuff, before he would go back home to his family that day.

Mark looked at him, a few feet away.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Where stories live. Discover now