Chapter Forty(Epilogue)

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By Ashlee Price


Three months later...

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the pastor says. "You may now kiss the bride."
The crowd behind me erupts into applause and then cheers louder as Riley's lips press against mine. Afterwards, he plants a kiss on my forehead before putting his arm around my shoulder. I rest my head against his and smile at our well-wishers.
I can see tears in the eyes of my mother, father and Ollie, all sitting in the front row. After what happened to my mom and me, my mom found the strength to face my dad. She didn't want to have any more regrets. And now they've reunited and are both living with Riley and me.
Mickey seems to be crying, too, though I don't know if it's for real. Beside her, Harold is beaming with pride. When our eyes meet, he gives me a nod. I nod in turn.
I see other familiar faces--Ms. Deedee, Paula, Maggie, Danny, Ashley and Eric, Candace and Sean. I was the one who sent the invitations this time, so these are people I know, people who I know are genuinely happy for me.
Although none of them are as completely happy as I am.
I place one hand on my belly, now very obviously home to a baby boy, and my other hand in Riley's. These are my treasures, the most important people in my life. They are what make this day truly special.
With them, I can say I'm the luckiest bride in the world.
"So do you like this wedding better than our last one?" Riley asks me when we're all alone in our bedroom.
"Definitely," I answer as I take off my earrings. "After all, this time, I'm surrounded by family and friends."
"You look as radiant today as you did during our first wedding, though," Riley says.
I snort. "Yeah right."
I glance down at my stomach, which is already the size of a beach ball.
One thing I can say, though--I love the gown I'm wearing now as much as I loved the first. It's a white ball gown with puffed sleeves made of lace embroidered with white flowers and a high waist marked with a sash of crystals. All the layers of chiffon make me feel like I'm floating on a cloud.
Now if only I can take it off.
I walk over to my husband. "Riley, darling, do you think you can help me?"
"Sure, wife."
He pops the buttons at the back of my gown and pulls the zipper down past my waist. He doesn't let me go afterward, though. Instead, he slips his arms into my gown. His hands cup my breasts, which are bare since the bodice has a bra built into it.
They've grown bigger and more sensitive lately, so when his fingers rub my nipples, I let out a moan. Heat swirls in my breasts and travels down between my legs.
"One thing I didn't like about our first wedding," Riley says against my neck, "is that we didn't get our wedding night."
I nod. "Yeah, I remember."
"That's not happening this time."
He turns me around and kisses me. His hand caresses my neck as he slips his tongue inside my mouth.
I place my hands against his bare chest, his buttons already done, and move them down so I can trace the quivering muscles of his abdomen. I'd like to go beyond that, too, but I can't because my stomach's in the way. I frown.
Riley chuckles.
"Do you want me that much?" he asks.
"Yes," I answer without hesitating.
He lies down on the bed and crooks a finger at me. "Come here."
I step out of my gown so that I'm in just my panties and climb onto the bed on fours. I straddle his waist and pull his face to mine for a kiss. Then I move lower and shift my legs between his, positioning my head just above his crotch.
He's already taken off his belt, so I just unbutton and unzip his pants. He lifts his hips so I can pull his boxers down. His hard cock springs free.
It never fails to fascinate me.
I take a good look at it before licking the tip. I gather the bittersweet salty substance leaking there with the tip of my tongue. Riley lets out a hiss and his thighs tremble.
I lick the rest of his cock and slowly take it inside my mouth. I fit as much of it as I can while keeping my teeth from grazing the sensitive skin. Then I start moving my head up and down.
Riley lets out a sound between a growl and a moan. His fingers tug at my hair.
I curl my lips, close my eyes and move faster. I'd like to keep at it, but giving a blow job when you're five months pregnant isn't easy, so I decide to stop and let another part of me eat him up.
I take my panties off and position my hips on top of Riley's cock. I lower them slowly so his cock enters me inch by inch. As it does, I take deep breaths. When he's completely inside me, I gasp.
He really is huge.
I take a moment to catch my breath, then I grip his shoulders, lean forward and start moving my hips. I moan as his cock rubs against a sweet spot inside me.
Riley does nothing. He just watches me intently with his arms at his sides. Yet that in itself is sexy.
As I lean back to try a different angle, I feel his gaze on my breasts, which are bouncing as I move. I can feel my stomach wobbling as well, but I ignore it. I throw my head back and close my eyes as I savor the pleasure coursing through my veins. Moans and gasps escape from my lips.
I'm close. I can feel it.
I jerk my hips even faster, as fast as I comfortably can. I can feel the strands of my hair escaping their pins and cascading down my neck one wisp at a time.
Then I try something I've never done before. I cup my breasts and play with my nipples. I hear Riley grunt. He still stays still, though. Watching. Waiting.
But my body can't wait any longer. It gives in to the pleasure, trembling as it squeezes Riley's cock. He gives a groan. A cry escapes from my throat.
When it's over, I climb off Riley and lie down beside him. I have no strength left. Riley shifts to his side, kisses my cheek and gives me a mischievous grin.
"My turn."
He turns me on my side so that my back is pressed to his chest. I can feel his wet cock poking my lower back.
It enters me slowly as his hands grip my swollen breasts. I've barely caught my breath when it flees again.
He grasps my chin and turns my face towards his so we can kiss. Then he reaches between my legs and strokes my clit as he starts jerking his hips.
I clutch the pillow beneath my head, my other hand gripping his as he rocks my body with his thrusts. The bed creaks.
Even though I just came, the flames under my skin keep burning. His fingers keep strumming my clit. His cock moves in and out of me, rubbing against spots that make me see stars.
I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a cry as I come undone once more. Riley manages a few more thrusts into my trembling body and then gives a particularly hard one. I feel his warmth burst inside me.
He pulls out and I hear him panting just like me.
I stay still for a few more moments because I simply can't move. Then I turn towards him. He faces me and kisses my forehead.
"Are you alright?" he asks.
Lately, he asks that after each time we have sex.
"I'm fine," I answer.
Riley smiles.
I touch his cheek. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For everything," I say.
His eyebrows crease. "I haven't even given you my wedding present yet."
My eyes grow wide. "I have a wedding present? Aside from you?"
Riley nods and touches my nose. "You know my father has allowed me to acquire new businesses?"
"Well, I recently bought a company."
"What kind?"
"A movie production company," he answers.
I place my hand over my mouth as I gasp. "No way."
"Yes way." He strokes my cheek. "And you'll be one of the producers."
"Really?" I can feel my face lighting up.
"You'll have to wait until the baby's out before you start working, though, and even then--"
"I can still read scripts here at home," I say. "Or come up with ideas for movies."
Riley chuckles. "You really can't wait, can you?"
I shake my head then kiss him on the lips. "Thank you. This is really the best gift ever. It's my dream come true."
He frowns. "I thought I was your dream come true."
"Well, you and this company and this baby." I place a hand on my belly.
Suddenly, I feel something push against my palm. I gasp.
"Did you feel that?" I ask Riley. "He's kicking again."
Riley puts his hand on my tummy. A moment later, there's another kick. Riley smiles.
"Maybe our baby is celebrating, too."
I shrug. "Maybe. Or maybe he's swimming. You know, I have a feeling that our baby is going to be a really good swimmer."
"Like his father?" Riley asks.
"Exactly," I answer as I rub my tummy tenderly. "And I'm going to let him swim to his heart's content. And of course I'm going to be there cheering for him at every race."
"I thought you were going to make movies."
"I can do both," I say. "But I'm going to make sure he'll experience other things, too, like love."
"Are you going to find him a girl to marry?" Riley asks me.
"No." I shake my head. "I'll leave that to him. I'll just give him advice every now and then. And when he does find a girl he really loves, I'll help her out."
"You sound like you have everything planned out."
I shrug. "Well, you know, plans can go awry. I mean, look at what happened to us. But in the end, as long as you don't give up, everything works out."
"Yes." He takes my hand in his. "Look at what happened to us."
What started out as a mistake has become an amazing journey. And we've only just begun.

                               ~The End~

Thanks so much,

By Ashlee Price

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Xoxo @novastora

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