Chapter Twenty-Two

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Well, that was a surprise, I think as I take a walk through the gardens.
A soft breeze blows against the leaves and stalks of the flowers, making them dance. I run my fingers through the quivering petals.
On my way back home, I was determined to change a few things, mostly with myself. But what do you know? Riley changed. Yesterday, he was finally back to the Riley I'm used to, the one I knew. The one who wouldn't let me give up the climb or stumble during the dance.
The one I fell in love with.
And he's finally decided to be a father, to be a good husband. He even lifted my prison sentence and said I can leave the house to do anything I like, to buy anything I want. I even have my own driver, and I can take one of the maids with me.
I haven't gone out yet, but maybe when Judy comes--I wonder what she's doing--I'll ask her to go out with me. Or maybe I'll pass by my old workplace sometime.
I close my eyes and breathe in the air.
Ah, freedom. And to think all it took was a little accident.
I glance at the bruise on my arm, which has already turned brown from purple. Maybe I should thank Mickey.
Speaking of my stepmother-in-law, I see her walking towards me in gray yoga pants and a matching crop top. Maybe she just finished her yoga session?
I wonder what Mickey wants with me now. Well, she has a smile on her face, so maybe this conversation will be a friendly one. Maybe she'll be nicer to me now.
I cross my fingers behind my back as I return her smile. "Hello."
"Lena darling." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"How are you?" She takes both my hands in hers and steps back to look at me. "How are your wounds? How's the baby?"
"I'm fine."
She hooks my arm in hers as we continue walking. "I really am so sorry about what happened yesterday."
"It's alright. No harm done."
"I'm glad. If anything bad happened to you or the baby, Riley would have killed me."
I throw a narrowed glance at her. So she's relieved because of that?
"But I didn't even push you, right? I mean, you just fell."
Is she really apologizing?
"Though I'm sorry for the things I said before that. I'm glad you didn't tell Riley about them. But then I didn't tell Riley what you told me either, because, you know, it was a woman-to-woman conversation, so I think we're even."
I take it back. She isn't any nicer at all.
She puts her hand over mine. "Anyway, none of that would have happened if I'd known you were pregnant. I would have welcomed you back with open arms."
"Well, Riley and I wanted to keep it to ourselves for just a few days," I tell her. "We knew everyone would find out eventually. I mean, it's not exactly something we can hide--"
"True," Mickey agrees as she looks at me. "Even now, you already look a bit, you know, plumper."
I purse my lips. Wow. My stepmother-in-law really has a way with words.
I remember all the stories I've heard about mothers-in-law, about them being total bitches with the lone mission of making life miserable for their daughters-in-law. Plus all the fairy tales about wicked stepmothers. I suppose stepmothers-in-law must be the worst of all.
"Anyway," Mickey goes on. "I've told Harold about the baby."
My eyebrows arch. "You did?"
I should have known she would.
"And he seemed happy to hear it," she says. "But of course he would be. There's another McAllister, an addition to the family, someone to fill this home with love and laughter."
I give a faint smile. Well, those words are actually nice.
"Needless to say, I'm happy, too. In fact, I think this deserves a celebration."
She lets my arm go and claps as she stands in front of me. "A grand celebration. A party."
"Oh." I was imagining more of a family dinner. We haven't had one of those yet.
Mickey touches my shoulder. "And as my apology to you for what happened yesterday, I am going to plan it all. You just leave it to me."
Something tells me that's not much of an atonement. In fact, it seems like I'm doing Mickey a favor. If I agree, that is.
"I'm not sure," I tell her. "Shouldn't we keep this among ourselves first?"
"Nonsense." Mickey shakes her head. "It's the kind of news you should shout to the rest of the world."
I wonder if there's any news she doesn't feel like shouting to the rest of the world.
"But isn't it too early for a baby shower?" I argue. "I'm only a few weeks along."
"This isn't a baby shower, silly." She waves off my concern. "This is like the party for welcoming you into our family, since you haven't had that yet, and at the same time announcing that there will be a new addition to the family."
I nod. "I see."
But I'm still reluctant about throwing a lavish party. Knowing Mickey, there will be plenty of guests, none of whom I'll know unless I've seen them on TV. In fact, I'm pretty sure most of them will be her friends. I'll just feel left out.
I touch my arm. "Maybe I'll ask Riley first. It's his baby, too."
"Nonsense." Mickey gives me a look of dismay. "Yes, it is his baby, too, but you are the mother. You will be the star of this party. You deserve it. We women are allowed few joys in life. You should seize this one and make the most of it."
I force a grin. "But I--"
"Are you telling me you'll be asking for Riley's opinion on everything for the rest of your life?"
"No, but--"
"Let me tell you a secret, Lena." Mickey holds my hand. "If you want something badly enough, your man won't be able to resist you."
Okay. It's not the motherly advice I was expecting, but I guess I'll take it.
The problem is, I don't even know if I do want this party.
I draw a deep breath. "How many people will be there?"
"Fifty at least," Mickey answers. "Just close friends, business acquaintances and a few members of the media."
My eyes grow wide. "Media?"
"Darling, you worked in TV. You've been on TV. You shouldn't have a problem with this."
She's right. Even so, I'm not sure I want to be in front of the camera again.
"No media," I tell Mickey.
She pouts.
"No media and fifty people maximum."
Mickey sighs. "Fine. It is your party."
"Then okay, I'll let you plan it."
She gives a wide smile. "Oh, you just wait. I'll throw you the grandest party ever."
Which is exactly what I'm afraid of.
"Maybe I should have said no," I tell Riley that night when he emerges from the pool at the end of his evening swim.
I try not to look at the glistening beads of water trickling down his chest.
"We don't need a party, right?"
"You know it's not too late to change your mind," Riley tells me as he dries his hair.
"I think it is. Mickey said she already had the invitations printed and ordered the flowers."
Riley chuckles. "Well, parties are her thing."
I sigh as I lie back on the lounge chair. "I'm afraid I'll just feel left out. Fifty guests is still a lot."
He sits beside me. "Then why did you say yes?"
I shrug. "Because I'm a fool."
"No, you're not."
"Because Mickey's persistent."
Riley nods. "That I believe."
"And because I guess I want to get along with her. She is your stepmother. She's living here with us. I don't want her to hate me."
He touches my cheek. "Oh, Lena, you can't make everyone love you. It's not up to you. It's up to them."
"I'm not asking her to love me," I answer. "I just want her to accept me. If she can't have me as her stepdaughter-in-law, then can't she have me as a friend? I know this is a big house where there's plenty of room for everyone to hide and avoid each other, but I don't want that happening, you know. Can't we all just get along?"
Riley laughs. "You're probably the first one who wants that."
"Sure your mother didn't want it, too?"
He falls silent.
I place my hand over his. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring her up."
He shakes his head. "It's fine. You're right. I'm sure she would have wanted it."
I just nod.
"Does that mean you're going to try to win over my father, too?" Riley asks me.
I shrug. "If I can."
He chuckles. "Good luck with that."
"Anyone can be won over," I add.
"Oh, really?" Riley's gaze narrows at me. Then he touches my cheek. "Well, with that attitude, I'm sure you'll be just fine at the party. After all, it's just a small party, right?"

(His Rock A Marriage Mistake Romance)  By Ashlee PriceWhere stories live. Discover now