Chapter Thirty-Three

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"One last question," Seth Sinclair says as he crosses his legs in his chair, which is right across from the loveseat Lena and I are in. "What is the most important thing you've learned about each other or about your relationship so far that you think will allow you both to stay together for a long time to come?"
I glance at Lena.
She squeezes my hand. "Well, for me, Riley taught me not to give up. So I won't give up on what we have. I won't give up on him. I'll keep fighting for him and with him, and we'll go through the sweetness of triumph and the bitterness of defeat together. As long as we keep moving forward, everything will work out."
She looks into my eyes and smiles. Warmth swells in my chest as I smile back.
"Wow," Seth says. "Talk about confidence. I love it. And what about you, Riley?"
"I think I just have to let Lena in, open up to her more, and at the same time, give her all I can. Having competed in swimming for so long, I was racing alone. I didn't count on anyone but myself. But now, I'm not alone. And this isn't a race. This is a journey that I'll savor with Lena."
I press her hand to my lips. The audience in the studio breaks into applause.
Seth claps as well. "Well said. And I do think the two of you will have an amazing journey, especially with your little one coming along. I'm sure all of us are rooting for you and hoping everything works out."
"Thanks, Seth," Lena says.
Seth comes over and offers her his hand. "Again, congratulations and good luck."
He shakes her hand then mine. Then he turns to the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Riley and Lena McAllister."
The audience cheers once more. Lena and I stand up. Like a beauty queen, she blows kisses and waves to the crowd until the camera stops rolling. When it does, Seth shakes our hands again.
"Thank you for coming," he says.
"Thank you for having us," Lena answers.
I lead her off the stage. A woman greets her with open arms.
"Lena!" she shouts excitedly.
"Paula!" Lena gives her a hug.
After she pulls away, she makes the introductions.
"Paula, this is Riley, though I'm sure you know that. Riley, this is Paula. She and I used to work together."
I offer her my hand. "Pleasure to meet you."
She shakes her head as she trembles in excitement. "The pleasure is all mine."
She turns back to Lena. "Ms. Deedee sends her regards. She was distraught when she found out about the mix-up and all, but now she's so happy for you. She always was one of your biggest fans."
Lena nods. "Send her my regards as well."
Other people come to greet us and talk to us. Then Lena and I walk out of the studio. I place my arm around her.
"That went well, huh?"
"I think so," Lena says. "I didn't feel that nervous this time."
I kiss the top of her head. "You did great."
She lets out a sigh. "I can't believe things are finally going well for us."
"Hey." I touch her nose. "Don't jinx it."
"Sorry. I'm just so happy."
"I'm glad," I tell her. "And yeah, I don't think anyone will give us problems anymore."
I take that back the moment Mickey greets us in the great room. She immediately goes for Lena and takes her hands.
"I saw your interview and you were amazing," she says.
Oh, now she thinks Lena is amazing.
"Thank you," Lena says.
Mickey glances at me. "You, too."
I don't answer.
Mickey loops her arm around Lena's as she ushers her away. "Anyway, I think we should start making plans for the baby shower. I already have some ideas. Oh, and I think we should start construction on the nursery, too."
My eyebrows crease. Don't tell me she's finally accepted Lena. Somehow, I doubt it.
"Thank you, Mickey," I hear Lena answer. "But no."
I pause. Did I hear that right?
Mickey gasps in horror. "What do you mean no?"
"No," Lena repeats. "Listen, Mickey, I respect you because you're my stepmother-in-law, and I won't try to keep you out of my life or my child's, but from now on, if there are any parties for me or for my child, I'll be the one throwing them. Also, I'll make all the decisions regarding my child, whether it be about the nursery or the first birthday or where my child goes to school."
Mickey steps back. "You're kidding, right?"
Lena shakes her head. "You run this household, but Riley and I have our own family now and we'll be the ones calling the shots about that." She glances at me. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
I nod. "Pretty much."
Mickey frowns. "So you're keeping me out after all."
"No, you're free to join in," Lena tells her. "But I'll be taking the lead."
Mickey still looks horrified.
Lena ignores her and stretches her arm towards me. I take it and accompany her up the stairs, leaving Mickey behind.
"Wow," I say to her. "You really stood up to her this time."
"I should have done it a long time ago."
"So you're not trying to get along with Mickey anymore? Because that sounded like a declaration of war."
"Not at all. Like I said, I want everyone to get along, but I'm not going to sacrifice my happiness or our child's for it."
I look at her. "You've changed."
Lena shrugs. "I guess I've grown stronger."
I beam with pride as I touch her cheek. "Well, you know I'll always stand by you."
"I know."
When we get to our bedroom, the one we now share, I capture her mouth in a kiss. She places her hands behind my neck and kisses me back. I'm about to lead her to the bed, but suddenly she bolts. She heads to the bathroom and after a few moments I hear her throwing up.
I frown. Not again.

(His Rock A Marriage Mistake Romance)  By Ashlee PriceWhere stories live. Discover now