Chapter 8: Mundane

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I returned to my mundane life without avoiding my studies nor particularly ending my social obligations without making any unnecessary contact with Arielle. I did however attend some parties where Arielle would be at only to watch her from afar.

Something I did do differently was get in touch with Noel Lowell.

"I am so glad to have been selected as a conversation partner to Lady Charlotte," Noel Lowell said.

By herself, she is a dangerous individual. I will use any chance to get close to Noel and wedge a wall between her and Arielle so that they will never meet each other in this lifetime and make myself the object of her entire attention and find a way to bring her down and strip away all of her power.

The sacrifice that I will make is my friendship with Arielle...

A few years later, I entered the gates of the Royal Academy once more.

"Lady Charlotte was robbed! It should have been Lady Charlotte who was chosen to be our opening Class Representative and not Lady Arielle," Noel said.

"...Noel, your current attitude is not attractive. Lady Arielle earned her position with her abilities. However, I will be the one standing above her during the next assessment," I said as I glared at her. "Do not do anything unbefitting of a young lady. Especially do not touch her. I want to beat her with my skill alone."

For several years, I had been reprimanding her and trying to correct her actions by being a so called 'friend' or mentor to her.

Arielle had told me before that there is no one born who is truly evil and that all you really need to give someone is some care and understanding.

"I understand..."

I have been trying to keep Arielle's principles even in this life where she exists so far from me.

For the most part, it seems to be working for now.

Looking at Noel Lowell still disgusts me, but being by her side gives me an opportunity to keep close tabs on her. She is too dangerous to be left alone. I doubt that she would do anything drastic in my presence.

After the opening ceremony, I went back to my dorm room and noticed that Noel Lowell had followed me to my room.

"I was not aware that I had a roommate," I said.

"My room is across the hall, but I would like to assist you with bathing or any other tasks you may need help with. It must be difficult to do things without a maid," Noel said.

The Academy is primarily a campus made for just students, professors, and workers that help maintain public order. It was against code of conduct to bring in servants from home or make other students part of your retainers. Anyone found violating the rules would be subjected to seven hours in remediation.

"I am fine. I do not need your help," I said coldly.

Noel Lowell suddenly grabbed my hand and placed it over her chest.

"...I can do other things for you as well," Noel Lowell said.

I quickly pulled my hand back after feeling a shiver down my spine.

"Forgive me...I would like to rest early today. Let's meet again in the morning," I said as I quickly went into my room.

I had my suspicions, but it really does seem like Noel Lowell is not just obsessed with me.

She is also in love with women.

Maybe that is why my relationship with Arielle triggered her so much...

I have maintained this perfect image as Noel Lowell has always wanted from me and stayed close to her. As a result, her eyes have never shifted as have remained fixed on me.

...Do I have to sink so low as to sell my body to the Devil now too?

In the morning, I attended etiquette classes and then my government and law classes. Those were the few classes I had away from Noel Lowell who had no interest in taking classes concerning governing. I did because I could see Arielle from afar. Even if we were not acquainted with each other, I could watch her from a distance. Her beautiful smiles and appearance always healed my soul whenever I saw her from up close.

"...You are Lady Charlotte Castile, right?" Arielle said as she came up to me after class.

"A-Arielle...Lady Arielle Maddox, do you need anything from me?" I asked as I tried to keep an indifferent tone.

I averted my gaze because of her blinding beauty.

"I am interested in you," Arielle said with a smile.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Interested?" I said questionably.

"I heard that I only came first with a few points ahead of you. I thought that we could talk to each other on an intellectual level as we walk to our next class together," Arielle said.

Can I talk to Arielle as normal without Noel Lowell around?

I felt a chill and soon saw half of Noel Lowell's face peeking out from behind a wall and watching my actions like a suspicious onlooker.

Disgusting parasite...

"I do apologize, Lady Arielle. Our positions make it unbefitting of either us to keep in contact with each other more than necessary. Let us continue to act as strangers as we already have been doing. I will not lose in the next assessment," I said as I quickly gathered my things and left.

"I have come to pick you up," Noel Lowell said as she tried to grab my bag for me.

I yanked my bag back.

"Have you forgotten where we are, Noel? The Royal Academy forbids students from having retainers. People will think that I am breaking the rules if I were to make you walk around holding my stuff," I said coldly.

"...Lady Charlotte, have I done something wrong? I feel as though you have become quite distant to me, or is it that someone said something to you...maybe Lady Arielle?" Noel Lowell asked as she stared back blankly at me.

Once in awhile, Noel Lowell will stare back at me with this dark and empty look on her eyes. It always feels like she is on the verge of doing something crazy when she looks at me with eyes like that. I can never tell what she is thinking when she is like this.

"...I am not close with her. The only person I consider special and allow to be by my side is you, Noel," I said as I grabbed her hand.

Noel Lowell soon went and hugged me tightly.

"I am so glad that you feel the same way, Lady Charlotte," Noel Lowell said.

I then hugged her back despite my reluctance and disgust for her.

Two girls from my art class approached me after class.

"...L-Lady Charlotte, I am Grace Elsie and this is my friend Jane Norwood. A new bakery had just opened up right out outside of school. I was wondering if you would like to join us," the girl with light brown hair and peridot eyes said.

My classmates had for the most part given me space since I was not one to particularly engage myself in social activities with my classmates. This may be the first time that someone has spoken or invited me out outside of class since starting the school year.

"Is that a no?" her friend asked.

It should be fine if I go out without Noel once, right?

"Yes, let's go immediately," I said in haste.


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