Can't I Catch A Break?!

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A/N: And here I was, hoping for a wholesome after smut chapter... Tsk Tsk Tsk!

"Teddy-bear... Psst, Teddy-bear!" The sound of a deep and raspy voice wakes me from my relaxing sleep.

"Ugh, five more minutes!" I moan out, just wanting to sleep more. My hands squeeze tigher around the object that I grabbed last night.

I feel big hands rake across my head, combing my hair softly. I let out a breath of comfort wanting him to continue. "We are going to be late for class, dumbass." His voice echos in my ears but I decide to ignore it and snuggle deeper into what I guess is his chest.

"Fuck class, I want to stay here with you..." I mumble into his skin. I feel the vibrations from his laughter.

"Oh damn! The great Samantha 'goody toe shoes' Sazuki claiming to fuck class. Wow, I must have tainted that angelic skin of yours." He utters, kissing my head.

He sighs, and close his eyes, hugging me closer. "You know what, you're right. Fuck class, I just want to hold-"

In an instant, a loud bang could be heard from the door as it's swung open, entering Kirishima. Both Bakugou and I snap our eyes open and to the loud red-haired idiot.

"Yo Bakubro! You're going to be late if you don't..." Kirishima stops talking when he see's Katsuki and me, half-naked, cuddling in his bed.

"OH SHIT! I'M SORRY MY MAN! I'LL COME BACK LATER!" Kirishima quickly runs out, slamming the door as hard as he could.

Bakugou groans and pulls away from me. "Sorry Teddy-bear, but you know what I have to do, don't you?" he says through gritted teeth.

I nod and get up along with him. "Before you do, I have some business with him as well. Hey, can I borrow one of your shorts and t-shirts? I forgot to get my own and I beat Kiri as quick as possible. He nods back and tosses me his signature black skull shit and a pair of grey shorts. I slip them on and look to Bakugou. We both open the door and look around to see if anyone is in the hallway.

No one. We exit the room and walk downstairs calmly, as to make no sound. As we make it down the stairs, I recognize a certain high and raspy voice.

"THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME MINA! YOU NEED TO HIDE ME!" The voice pleads desperately.

"You did this to yourself babe. Don't bring me into this!"

I turn the corner and meet the eyes of a very scared Kirishima. I shoot him a very pissed of look, same for Katsuki. Bakugou runs to Kirishima and pins him to the ground. I smile and shrug, walking to Mina.

"So, how was your night last night?" Mina says, her voice high-pitched and her eyebrows moving up and down. I feel my face heat up just slightly but calm myself. She couldn't know what Katsuki and I did, right?

"What are you talking about?" I ask innocently, hoping it was just a guess.

She bits her lip and raises her eyebrows. "Ohh yes Master! Please master! I will-" I quickly cover her mouth and snap my head to the two boys who are now staring at Mina and me.

I look back to Mina, face as red as a tomato and eyes completely wide. "S-shut up! I don't want anyone hearing!" I whisper yell.

She takes my hand off her mouth and sneakily grins. "Oh, trust me honey. Ya'll were loud enough last night for everyone to hear."

My face fully flares up and I step back looking at Katsuki, who might I add has the same shocked face as me. I back into the island into the couch and cover my mouth.

How could I have forgotten? We were in dorms with thin walls... Oh god, everyone heard us, they all heard Bakugou... Oh shit, Katsuki! I snap my eyes from Mina to Bakugou and look at him wide eyed.

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