Moving into the Dorms

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(A/N: I got too eager so I'm posting another chapter!)

  I decide to go to the dorm building earlier than the rest of the students. I have no particular reason, I just wanted to leave the house. The house was very gloomy, and I didn't want to say there any longer. I get off the bus and head to the building. I wonder what the dorms are like. Will we share dorm rooms, or will we have our own individual rooms?

Not noticing, I already arrived at the entrance. But I wasn't pleased when sitting on the stairs lying on his back, was none other than Bakugou. He was really angry yesterday; he probably would not be pleased to see me either. I suck up my annoyance and walk towards him. I try staying quiet but when he looks up, I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be here this early." I say giving him a warm grin. He just scoffs and close his eyes, ignoring me. At least he didn't yell or get even more angry, that would be a nightmare. I sigh again as I take a seat on the stairs a couple feet away from Bakugou.

"Hey bakugou?" I say closing my eyes. "Do you remember me?" I ask. Silence, nothing but silence. I roll my eyes in my head and lay my head down.


"Sazuki! Sazuki!" My eyes shoot open when I hear a raspy feminine voice. I yawn and look in front of me. My eyes widen as I see the whole class staring at me. Well, everyone but Bakugou and Shoto. I feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

My hands start flailing in the air. "Oh My God! I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how long I was sleeping!"

Mina starts laughing causing me to laugh along. I stand up and grab my bags. "So, where's Aizawa-sensei?" I ask rubbing my head.

"I'm right here. Now, let's go." Mr. Aizawa walked out of the group of people and entered the school.

We all shrugged as we looked at each other, then followed Mr. Aizawa. Inside was huge. On the back wall to the right, a magnificent Kitchen. Lots of workspace, shelves and cabinets stocked with food and ingredients, an island in the middle and double oven with stove top. I glance over at bakugou and to my surprise, his eyes were glimmering with excitement. Once he saw me looking, he washed away his expression.

In front of the kitchen lays a large table, probably big enough to fit 10 people. It's a beautiful rosewood table, shaped as a rectangle. On the long sides there were 4 chairs on each side, with one chair on the ends. A couple feet in front of the table sit 3 baby blue couches, which can fit 3 people each. They are surrounding a square coffee table with a blue rug. Facing the couches is a flat screen TV that could be seen from the kitchen.

To the left when you walk in is just stairs leading up to the showers and laundry rooms. In the back of the living room there is a walkway leading to another pair of stairs to the doors, as well as an elevator next to it. We all spread out, looking at all the rooms and places. The first place I go to is the kitchen. I love to cook, so I wanted to check out what I could do with it.

I rub my hands against the marble counters, feeling the smoothness. My eyes make their way to the beautiful stove tops and ovens. One on the right is electric, while the other one is gas. I run over to the gas stove and admire it's dark and clean self. I smile thinking about all the sweets I could bake. Cupcakes, Brownies, pies, Tiramisu, crisps, cookies, cobblers. I got so excited I didn't even realize I let out a squeal.

I look around hoping no one heard but as I turned to the left bakugou was looking at me while holding one of the cabinet doors. He rolls his eyes and turns away, though I think I caught a glimpse of a smile when he turned. I Was he staring at me or did he just look my direction when I squealed? I giggle at the thought.

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