Lets go for a swim! Or Not...

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A/N: This is a triple update sense I forgot to post for Six days. Sorry!

As my eyes flutter open, I slowly begin to remember everything from last night; then it hit me. I can feel the hands wrapped around my waist and the steady breathing as he peacefully sleeps. I turn my head around just slightly and with wide eyes I stare at a sleeping Shinsou.

His purple hair is completely ruffled and pointing everywhere. Half of his body is under the covers while the other half is on full view. And by full view I meant his bare back and chest. You heard me, I guess he got hot last night so he removed his shirt. His dark eyes are closed shut but I can see them moving, so, he must be having a dream. And a good dream at that because he has the biggest smile across his round face. I can't help but feel a pang in my heart from the view.

I decided to stay in the comfort of his hold for a little while longer till I got hungry and wanted to eat. It hurt me to remove his arms from me, but I was starving as I didn't eat dinner yesterday. I knew he was asleep and couldn't see me, so I just changed into black boy shorts and a black sports bra that looked almost like a tank top. I checked my phone, and it was only four in the morning, so no one would be awake at this time. Meaning, no one would see me.

First thing I do is go to the bathroom. I close my eyes and taste the minty fresh toothpaste on my teeth and tongue as I brush them. Next, I put a charcoal face wash over my face and then wash it off. I don't care much for my beauty or looks, though I did make sure I didn't get any acne. That stuff sucks. I finally use the toilet and head downstairs for breakfast.

Today, Breakfast is going to be eggs and bacon with pancakes and chopped fruit. For some reason I was in the best mood and wanted everyone else to feel the same! I bet people would love to wake up to the smell of eggs, pancakes and bacon. I know I would!

Shinsou POV:

As I slowly open my eyes and awake from my sleep, I get this overwhelming feeling that something's missing. I stretch my arms making a cracking sound and sit up. With my vision stilled blurred I try standing up but end up falling back on the bed. Curse my Iron deficiency.

Once my sight clears up, I stare in awe at the room I'm in. There are hero posters, cat posters, and a poster of a blond-haired boy and a blacked-haired boy kissing on the wall. The room was pretty simple with mini figurines, a bed and a desk. I rub my head in confusion. Whose room is this?

After a couple seconds of staring at the room, everything came back to me. Mr. Aizawa sleeping on his couch, getting the wrong dorm, talking with Sazuki, even sleeping with her in the same bed. My cheeks heat up and my hand covers my mouth when I realize I held her in my sleep. I, Hitoshi Shinsou, the introverted kid with a villain-like quirk who people tried to avoid, held the most beautiful girl I had ever met in my arms last night. I small smile crept on my face.

My hand grabs my phone that I put on the desk last night to check the time. 6:02.

I guess Sazuki woke up before me and went downstairs. I'll do the same.

As the door opens, the strong smell of Pancakes, Bacon, and Eggs hit my nose making my mouth water. In less than a second, I am downstairs and standing by the entrance from the stair hallway to the living area.

Sazuki is in the kitchen talking with Kirishima, Mina, Ururaka, and Momo. It seems she has made Pancakes and eggs, and right now she's cooking bacon. Denki, Ojiro and Hagakure are watching Tv. Everyone else is probably still asleep or have left. I rub my eyes and walk up to them and take a seat by Mina who is next to Kirishima.

"Mhmm. I smell Bacon." I say in the most tired voice. In my defense, I just woke up, I'm going to sound Groggy. The all look at me with confused faces, except for Sazuki. She staring at my chest blushing. I look down and realize I'm in short black sweatpants, with no shirt. Right now, My hunger is the only thing I can think about, so I just shrug and flash her a smile.

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