I Will Rescue Him!

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A/N: Did you know that my favorite character is Shigaraki? Well now you do!

I close my eyes and let out a breath. I open my eyes once again and clench my fists. Its time. I grab my bag and take a quick look outside to make sure no one's around. My head peaks out look down both hallways. No one. As I get downstairs, I stop when I see Aizawa at the door. "Mr. Aizawa, how can I help?!" My voice is eager.

"I knew you were going to come." He sighs and rubs his nose. "Sazuki. You know this is dangerous, and could hurt UA if they heard, once again, a student went on a mission without a license." He closes his eyes. "I can't let that happen."

"But Mr. Aizawa. I'm the one who found Bakugou. I'm also the one who was trusted with the address. I should have the right to go!" Now my voice is almost a yell. I cross my arms and glare at him.

He sighs. "Mrs. Sazuki. Like I said before, I can't allow this. Go back to your dorm." I scoff and march my way to the stairs.

Instead of going to my dorm, I wait under the stairs. Aizawa-sensei stays for a couple more seconds and walks out the door. "Yes!" I whisper-yell. I wait for him to fully walk out and start walking his way. Before I leave the building, I make myself invisible and amplify it just enough to make the cloths invisible; but not too much that I feel strain.

Aizawa makes his way out of the school and to a car. I create Mina's slime and follow them my using the slime. The car eventually stops at a warehouse. There's a huge lot leading a large garage type door. I run over to the back of the gates surrounding the place. Once away from the heroes I find a rusted door in the back. I use Aoyama's naval laser but bring it to my finger and quietly cut open the door.

I only put my head in to make sure I no one is there. Once I'm sure no one is there I walk inside. It dark so I can't see too well, but I make out as much as I can. In front of me stands a long hallway with no doors. The walls, ground, and ceiling are pure cement, so I can easily move them if needed. It doesn't really have a particular smell, except for a bit of moss. My nose twitched at the scent.

I approach the end of the dreary hallway and look around the corner. My head quickly moves back when I catch a glimpse of a tall man. His face and arms have dark scars with staples or something of the sort keeping them together. The man had pitch black hair that's sprawled everywhere, very unkept. I roll my eyes at my own statement. His hair doesn't matter.

I keep my invisible up and look back over the corner. The scarred man is talking with a woman with blonde hair and sharp teeth. "Bakugou finally joined, so why are we keeping him locked up?" The woman's voice is extremely high pitched and irritating.

The scarred man rolls his eyes. "We don't know if he's actually loyal. We have to keep him locked up just in case he wanted to leave. And shut up. Your voice annoying." The mans voice was deep, and somewhat soothing; he kind of reminds me of Shoto.

He's locked up, but where, I need to know? I slowly sneak farther without them noticing. I ever so quietly walk past the girl and threw the next door. I look back to make sure I didn't make any noise telling the villains I'm here.

I let out a breath I've kept in and continue through the halls. After about three corners and three halls I finally reach a door. Why the heck are the hallways so long? I hear voices coming in from the other side of the door, so I listen in.

"I want you to meet our master." The same raspy voices man I heard in the forest spoke.

"All for one has been captured. You damned scum have no leader!" That voice, its Bakugou!

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