Meeting My Rival

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A/N: Before you get started, I wanted to let you know that I love when people comment. You don't have to as it is your experience and you might have nothing to say. I just love it when people comment funny things or how they feel about a certain character. It helps me understand your opinion on the book and what I could change.

I know that there are a lot of spelling errors so please don't comment when you see one. I get very annoyed when people constantly comment errors because I know I most likely wont change it. Same for most authors I've talk to on this forum.

My character is based on an oc I write when I first started watching Bnha. Her quirk is a bit overpowered, but please don't get upset that she is as strong as she is. You will learn about her quirk in the second or third chapter. I will not spoil it right now.

This book was not meant to have perfect writing. I'm still learning so there will be parts that might frustrate you. I am sorry if that happens. I worked really hard on this and sincerely hope you give it a chance!

This book is finished, so you don't need to wait for new chapters every week anymore!

Some Disclaimers:

Smut: There is a smut scene near the end and a a lot of detailed kissing scenes.

Cursing: There is a hell of a lot of cursing

Blood/Gore/Fighting: There are many scenes where there are fights and many with blood/gory injuries.

Cringe: Hell Yeah! This is probably one of the cringiest books I've written!

I wrote this story awhile Back. I tried to spell check and revise the story, but I'm pretty sure I've misspelled a few words as well has miss a few grammar mistakes. I would fix it, but I'm already working on three other stories and have so much school work so I have no motivation to actually fix this. Lmao!


Now, I know I'm started to get annoying with all the author talk and you probably want to start reading the book, so you may start!

Thanks for choosing this book, by the way!


As I look out the window, I gaze into the void of darkness, and vast sea of shining stars. My mind filled with these thoughts, forbidding me to sleep.

How can I sleep when I'm leaving my simple high school to go to UA academy, The academy for superheroes?

Was this really happening, or is it all a dream?

I sigh and lay down on my bed, pulling the sheets over my body. My eyes slowly close descending me into the darkness.

My mind spiraling with thoughts, pulling me into a deep slumber, and restless night.


"Samantha! Wake your ass up. You have to be at the school in 20 minutes." A deep voice called out to me forcing my eyes open. I groan as I pull myself up and grab my glasses, then putting them on. I stretch out my arms and legs to wake myself up.

Kimyona (Bakugou x Oc fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now