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 Happy Holidays guys! Have a happy new year!

BTW, Black Butler is the greatest freaking show in existence. Just letting you know.

Phoenix's POV

I continued to dress similarly for a few days, but not much else was happening. I only received a few looks here and there; people were getting used to the new look. Andrew hadn’t spoken to me again, and the only reactions I could get out of him were hostile glares and annoyed eye rolls.

I think it’s time to kick it up a notch.

I decided that I would go shopping today after school to look for some new outfits. I really wish I could bring Cory along with me for moral support when I try these monstrosities on, but then I would have to explain why I’m buying them in the first place.

Once I walked to the mall farther into town, I didn’t know where to begin. The normal stores like Kohl’s or Abercrombie wouldn’t possibly have what I was looking for. I suppose I should try Hot Topic first.

I walked under the black archway into Hot Topic, and the entire atmosphere changed from light and airy to dark and exciting. Everything was as black as always: the floor, the walls, the clothes, the racks, the shelves. I wandered around for a bit before I found a studded, black, leather vest. I held it up and inspected it. There were shiny studs on the shoulders and around the back, with a silver chain going from one side, around the back, and to the other side. I almost choked at the number on the price tag, but I purchased it anyway.

After that, I wandered around the mall aimlessly, searching for a store with provocative clothing. I was about to give up and try another mall somewhere else when I saw an unfamiliar store tucked back in the corner of the mall. As many times as I’ve been to this mall, I’ve never noticed this store, and I don’t see how you could possibly miss it.

The store was called DESIRE, in large cursive letters. The mannequins in the windows all wore different types leather, lace, and lingerie outfits. The inside was adorned with different shades of red, gray, and black.

I was almost afraid to go in just in case they kicked me out. It didn’t look welcoming to teenagers.

I took my chances and entered the near-empty store. I wandered around awkwardly, trying to avoid the more inappropriate areas. An employee spotted me and walked over.

She had cherry-red hair and thick wing-tipped eyeliner with lips the same color as her hair. As she came closer I could smell that she was a werewolf, but not from our pack.

“Hey, little wolf! What’re you looking for?” She flashed me bright smile, showing off her pearly white teeth.

“Um,” I coughed awkwardly, “I’m, uh, looking for some outfits…to, um, make my mate jealous.” I scratched the back of my head, feeling utterly stupid.

To my surprise, she nodded her cherry head understandingly. “He didn’t accept you, huh?”

I nodded.

“Sorry, Hun. That’s rough. But, I think I know of a few things that’ll be perfect.” She gave me a mischievous wink and led me around the erotic clothing store.


The next morning, I stood frozen in front of my full-length mirror.

What the fuck had I been thinking?

I had on a clearly see-through, black, fishnet short-sleeved shirt under the leather vest from Hot Topic. I also had on tight, black, leather shorts that came to my mid-thigh and were rolled up once on each leg. The outfit was topped off with a pair of short black leather combat boots.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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