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Here's my new story!! :) Hope you enjoy it!!

I planned on having this up way sooner, but my brother died about a month ago so I didn't write much until a couple of days ago.

Follow me on Twitter :). @AwakenedAtNight

Phoenix's Pov

I pushed my lean body to go faster, for my small paws to propel me further as they danced across the damp earth. The wind blew my light brown fur tight against my body. I easily leaped over fallen branches and dodged the many different trees in this old forest. I felt at ease among the creatures of the forest, the heady scent of soil and untainted life engulfing me.

I heard deep puffing breaths and loud footsteps coming closer every second, and realized that I had been slowing down while my mind drifted. I ran faster towards the sound of a small stream. I sped past a couple of frightened squirrels that froze in fear as I passed, their tiny hearts racing.

The clean smell of fresh water hit my nose as the stream came into view. I braced myself to jump. My muscles coiled when my paws hit the muddy bank, then I sailed into the air. I was about to land on the opposite side when I was tackled out of the air by a large dark gray body. We slammed into the mud on the bank and slid a few yards further.

The heavy wolf had landed on top of me, and was currently holding me down in the mud. I growled and pulled myself out from underneath him. I eyed my now filthy fur before looking up at the grey wolf. He barked out a laugh at the glare I was giving him. He looked like such an idiot with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth with mud everywhere that I couldn't help but start laughing too.

I shifted back to human, and my best friend did the same. We were both naked due to the fact that if we left our clothes on when we shifted, they would be destroyed. Nudity was normal though; we all have done it since birth.

"God, Cory," I said. "Did you have to put us in the mud? My mother is going to kill me," I sighed while examining my muddy skin. It was crusting in my thick, shaggy black hair. "You're such an idiot."

Cory laughed again. "Your little body is so fast I don't think I can catch you while just running. I had to stop you somehow, Phoenix."

I rolled my black eyes. Cory Wintergate has been my best friend since we were pups. We're pretty different, though. I'm small and lean, built for speed. I'm also a more submissive male, but I refuse to be walked all over. Cory is a large, dominant wolf. He's pretty intimidating, but he's just a big softy. He likes to watch over me like a big brother. We're kind of the sibling neither of us ever had since we're both our parents' only kids. We're both sophomores, but he's 16 already. I turn 16 tomorrow, actually. 16th birthdays are a big deal in the werewolf world. It's the day that you find your mate as long as they're also 16 already. Cory hasn't found his mate yet, so they must not be 16. Mates are almost always found in the same pack, and our pack-the Raven Wing Pack-happens to be one of the largest in North America. We're so numerous that a lot of us don't know the names of everyone in the pack. Despite that, we all know if a wolf is in our pack based on their scent.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard two other wolves approaching. Two females emerged from the thick trees, and I instantly recognized them as our other two close friends, Leia McCay and Fee Cross. Leia is a pretty strong, fiery female and can hold her own. Fee, on the other hand, is much meeker.

They both sat down near us, and Leia rolled her bright blue eyes at our appearances before she shook out her beautiful black, gray, and brown fur. Fee had her tail curled tightly around her feet while she sat quietly, her golden fur getting ruffled by the breeze. She was much more comfortable and outgoing around the three of us, but was still quiet and observative. Her black eyes saw everything.

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