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I'm sorry that it's been so long ._. I say that every time I upload! xD


Onto the story.

Phoenix's POV

When I woke up Sunday morning and my black eyes landed on the necklaces my parents had bought me for my birthday, I made a decision.


I tugged at the waistband of the gray skinny jeans I was desperately trying to pull up to my waist. They were stuck right below my butt, and it seemed to be impossible to pull them any further. I jumped and pulled and bent at every angle until the jeans finally settled into the proper place on my body. I breathed a sigh of relief and did a couple squats to loosen the jeans a bit. I picked up a light blue, sleeveless shirt off my bed and slipped it on over my head. It was thin and tight, hardly hiding my toned upper body.

Yesterday morning I decided to make Andrew jealous. If he could prance around with every living creature, I could dress provocatively and get some attention from the male wolves and maybe a few gay humans.

I walked into my bathroom to look in the large mirror. The shirt really didn't leave anything to the imagination, and the jeans weren't much better. They were extremely tight, and I had to adjust my junk to make it less noticeable. I turned to the side, admiring the way the jeans hugged my butt.

The outfit was perfect.

I waddled out of the bathroom and sat on my bed. I grabbed my black Vans from the floor and tried to lift my leg to slip my shoe on. I couldn't even get my foot high enough to rest on my other knee due to the jeans. I grabbed my foot and pulled it the rest of the way, put my shoe on, and repeated the action for the other leg.

I laid back on my bed, frustrated with my limited mobility. How do girls wear these damn things every day?

I slowly clomped down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mother was cooking breakfast. She glanced up when I walked in and the white plate she was holding slipped from her fingers, clattering onto the counter.

We stared at each other for a few moments, not saying anything. Her eyes dropped to my outfit, and then back up to my eyes. She nodded and turned away to put food on the dropped plate while I took my seat at the island.


"What the hell are you wearing?" Cory asked me with his eyes wide and mouth dropped open, Fee and Leia wore similar expressions in the back seat. I pulled my paralyzed legs into the car and shut the door.

"What do you mean? I don't look any different than I normally do." I laughed awkwardly and put my seatbelt on. I could feel their eyes on me.

"Are you fucking high, or are you just fucking with us?" Leia asked me incredulously.

"Neither. . . . Are we going to school or sitting in my driveway all morning?" I snapped, looking around uncomfortably.

Cory shook his head and started his car, the engine roaring to life. Leia sat back in her seat, but she still shot me suspicious looks in the mirrors.

The ride to school was a bit weird feeling, but we didn't speak about my outfit again. Once Cory parked his car in our usual spot, we got out and began walking up the paved walkway.

"Hey," Leia spoke up before we reached the doors, "I'm skipping first period."

"Why? Gonna go do the dirty?" Cory asked her with a smirk.

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